Netflix commits to 600hrs of 4K

    • Official Post


    Netflix has been streaming 4K content since April 2014 and when actual 4K content was extremely thin on the ground. Happily there are now plenty of consumers with Ultra-HD (UHD) displays and last week’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona saw one of its VP/interface innovation, Chris Jaffe, promise delegates that there would be plenty of higher quality UHD material available for streaming this year.

    Jaffe said that this year would see some 600 hours of original programming and his UHD obligation emphasised the long-awaited “better pixels” definition embraced by High Dynamic Range (HDR) benefits of expanded brightness and wider colour range.

    “High Dynamic Range is less about packing more pixels on the screen like the move from HD to Ultra HD 4K was,” Jaffe said. “It’s about extending the total range of those pixels. What that means is that you’re watching a much more photo realistic image that’s much more representative of the total range that your eye can see when you’re just looking round in real life.”

    However, while rival Amazon’s subscribers can currently view HDR programme, Jaffe made no actual commitment to starting HDR streams. He confirmed to delegates that Marco Polo would be available in HDR “later this year”, as would the second season of Daredevil.

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