cant to instal oscam in ubuntu server

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 387 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • hi guis maby you can helpmy please i cant instal oscam cccam in my ubuntu ,i all ready instal ubuntu buth my WinSCP cant install the folder for oscam and cccamd. i dont now why. i put all ready ti ROOT TMP BUTH...

    log is this

    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/CCcam.prio’ to ‘/var/etc’: Permission denied
    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/CCcam.cfg’ to ‘/var/etc/’: Not a directory
    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/oscam.conf’ to ‘/usr/local/etc/oscam.conf’: Permission denied
    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/oscam.server’ to ‘/usr/local/etc/oscam.server’: Permission denied
    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/oscam.user’ to ‘/usr/local/etc/oscam.user’: Permission denied
    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/’ to ‘/usr/local/etc/’: Permission denied
    mv: cannot move ‘/tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/oscam.srvid’ to ‘/usr/local/etc/oscam.srvid’: Permission denied
    chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/rc.local’: Operation not permitted
    chown: changing ownership of ‘/etc/rc.local’: Operation not permitted

    Step 7

    Step 8

    Step 9

    Edited once, last by codar ().

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