I could use some help understanding...

There are 3 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 635 times. The last Post () by codar.

  • I have been reading tutorials, guides, and all sorts of articles, and I honestly still have no idea what is up and down here. I have the impression that there is some preconception that I am supposed to know something that I don't yet know, so I hope you can bear with a few noob questions.

    Preamble: I want to buy some DVB-S2 equipment to watch TV channels, and I am willing to hack some to have a decent HTPC environment going. I have a relatively solid knowledge of Linux - less so for Windows but since this is linuxsat-support.com, I am good, yes?

    As I have understood it, "Card sharing" is the act of sharing card info among different folks through some ftp server set up (many tutorials I see use proftpd, an fpt server I know well, but have never used for card sharing purposes, obviously). So, as I understand it, "card sharing" does not include the part of the scheme where the shared card secrets are used in the down and dirty act of descrambling TV signals one has not payed for. Is this correctly understood?

    There must be another side of this business for which I have not yet been able to find a tutorial (am I blind?). How does one actually *use* the card data one has received from ones friends (or ones card data pushers, if one is inclined to use one such service)? Can any one explain to me how this is done, or tell me where to find a good and concise tutorial on this specific subject?

    Furthermore, I have seen documents explaining that card reader emulators can be produced. The Oscam emu README file (https://github.com/oscam-emu/oscam-emu) is a good read, and I infer from it that this card reader emulating business is not easy. I think I understand that the scheme I am principally considering to cheat, Conax for Canal Digital, has its encryption in two pieces: the card reader and the card itself.
    So, if I want to see Canal Digital nordic, I will need a Conax CAM module actually installed (this cannot be emulated due to clever scrambling schemes by the producers), with no card in it since I will be getting card data from elsewhere. Is this also correctly understood?

    As you can probably see, it is the practical physical set up I am sorely lacking so, if any one can shed some light into this matter for me, I'd be thoroughly obliged!

  • Quote

    So, as I understand it, "card sharing" does not include the part of the scheme where the shared card secrets are used in the down and dirty act of descrambling TV signals one has not payed for. Is this correctly understood?

    Not exactly that, someone has paid for a genuine subscription and is "sharing" his subscription to those who may be region locked to receive the subscription, in turn, they may have some package to offer in return.
    This is a good noob guide:

    [QUOTE]How does one actually *use* the card data one has received from ones friends QUOTE]
    This is handled by the soft cams /emulators /emu's (oscam/cccam/mgcamd etc) to emulate the official encryption that the package uses. The card data is then used to decrypt the package.
    Emulators on their own won't unlock the package (there are a few exceptions which require keys which are not allowed to be posted here)

    Before you go any further, might I suggest you have a read of the forum rules for fear you land yourself in hot water.
    They can be found here:

  • Thanks a bunch, Codar. I did read the rules before I posted, and I believed I had not broken any of the rules. Rule #2 is my guess as to which one I might have given the impression to be about to "bend", but I am uncertain.
    This rule refers to "the supporter of a pay server", and I am not 100% certain what would constitute this: Does being the client of such a service constitute being a supporter? (let me assure you that I am not a client or in any way affiliated with any such service), or is it enough just to mention something positive about one of those services? You being a moderator here, perhaps it is important for you to know that for one such as myself, this might not be completely clear. My honest initial assessment of this rule was that I would not be in breach of it unless I administrate or work in any way for such a service.
    Just to be clear, I am not trying to defend any position, I'm just trying to understand the rules better.

    So, the FAQ you have sent me to did help quite a lot, I think. I understand that one does not share card secrets but rather, one shares the whole device, which includes the card and card reader, which means that, in principle, it is possible to get started with the whole card sharing scene without owning a single card reader. Did I understand this correctly?

    I have earlier set up MythTV with DVB-C devices. When setting up MythTV, you have to make certain you can pinpoint your TV card before tuning for channels can start. I suppose this is the same for DVB-S and card sharing. The fact that I will need some kernel devices listed within /dev jumps at me. Can I assume that these will be created (somewhat) automatically once I have my carsharing scheme running? So the card sharing software will take care of this for me automatically, which is why I cannot find any tutorials on how to create these devices myself?

    If I am correct so far, my next concern is, what happens when a shared card that I want to use is already being used over the network by someone else? Will I be prevented from using it? Or does this not apply to devices shared over a network?

  • Quote

    Does being the client of such a service constitute being a supporter?

    Yes it would as it justifies the very existence of these services.


    is it enough just to mention something positive about one of those services?

    Please refrain from mentioning anything (good or bad) about payservers as they are only in it for financial gain which contradicts the whole principal of sharing.


    one shares the whole device, which includes the card and card reader

    Not exactly accurate, a request (ecm) is sent to the card to clear a specific channel (get the control word key, cw).
    This request has to be asked and answered within a specific time period as they change frequently (within seconds)
    The faster these requests reach the card / returned to the peer, the better.


    in principle, it is possible to get started with the whole card sharing scene without owning a single card reader. Did I understand this correctly?

    You are correct in principal but obtaining a share from someone without offering anything in return is highly unusual.


    what happens when a shared card that I want to use is already being used over the network by someone else? Will I be prevented from using it? Or does this not apply to devices shared over a network?

    The card will only accommodate a certain amount of requests (different packages have different limits).
    A server trying to fulfill too large a number of requests will be hindered as it takes time for the reader to process each individual request from the card and the returned cw may be obsolete by the time it returns to complete the initial request.
    This is when glitching (picture freezing)will occur and is an example of on overloaded server.
    Broadband speed will also play a big part here.

    I've no experience with Myth tv.

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