Remove CrossEPG Data EPG.dat

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 690 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hi Team,
    I have a Vu Duo Original with Blackhole 2.1.5 MasterG backup. Recently I got an Timer.XML corrupt error but after restarting the box it seemed to have disappeared. However since this has happened my EPG started going missing everytime I restarted the VU box.

    So I went to setup > CrossEPG > Configure and forced reload. This didn't bring any luck so I reverted it back to original settings. Subsequently, I change EPG from USB to HDD and back again with no luck. But Now I cant even manually download the EPG. It starts downloading but within a second goes to converting and finished in literally 1 second. I am lost - can someone please help as I don't want to reinstall the backup and start all over again.

    Thanks in advance!!!

    • Official Post

    The epg data may be saved in different places which could be causing an issue.. You could try removing all instances of epg.dat in telnet with this:

    init 4 && sleep 10 && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/epg.dat && rm -rf /media/hdd/epg.dat && rm -rf /media/hdd1/epg.dat && rm -rf /media/hdd2/epg.dat && rm -rf /media/usb/epg.dat && rm -rf /media/usb1/epg.dat && rm -rf /media/usb2/epg.dat && init 3

    Which tuners are being used and how are they setup ? Are you downloading the data on a channel that has the full epg stream ?

  • master G

    Changed the title of the thread from “EPG Error” to “Remove CrossEPG Data EPG.dat”.

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