Pirated ‘star wars: The force awakens’ blu-ray leaks online

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    • Official Post

    (FYI I had this yesterday early evening, but will still purchase the original blu ray when released on April 4th)

    The official Blu-Ray release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is scheduled to be released in two weeks time but an early copy has just leaked on various pirate sites. Considering the hype around the movie in recent months it's no surprise that hundreds of thousands of fans have already downloaded the movie.


    After becoming one of the top grossing movies of all time in theaters, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now gearing up for its home entertainment releases.

    Many people are expected to buy the Blu-Ray and DVDs, which are scheduled to come out on April 5th, so they can relive the latest chapter in the convenience of their own home.

    However, it appears that pirates are off to an early start. As is often the case with popular movies, the Blu-Ray versions of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has leaked online in advance of its retail debut.

    There are currently dozens of copies posted on torrent, hosting and streaming sites, including The Pirate Bay and KickassTorrents where it leads the lists of most shared files.

    The first copy appeared online yesterday and within 12 hours an estimated 250,000 people had already grabbed a copy. This number is likely to increase to several millions during the weeks to come.

    The Blu-Ray disc, posted below, originates from the REPLiCA release group and appears to be a regular retail copy.

    Under the most recent rules, Scene release groups are required to supply a photo of the physical disc with their group tag as proof.


    The leaked Blu-Ray is by no means the first footage that has ended up on pirate sites. Several camcorded copies of the movie have been floating online for three months, but due to their low quality the interest in these releases has been limited.

    Needless to say, this isn’t an issue with the Blu-Ray version.


    In recent weeks Disney and Lucasfilm have tried to limit the exposure of pirated copies. The companies sent out tens of thousands of takedown requests to Google. However, on most pirate sites the film remains widely available.

    In any case, it’s safe to say that the movie studios will be disappointed with the early pirate release, which is likely to eat away at some of the home entertainment revenues.

  • aye yon piracy accounts for 5% of there total revenues in thats just go much to loose for the already overly paid studio's

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

    • Official Post

    I have friends who will never pay for a movie, no matter what, always get it from online sources

    Quality movies like this one I went to the cinema twice to watch in IMAX, I will also buy it upon official release too as it is a truly awesome movie imho

    Hopefully the many millions of people that will inevitably download this movie will buy it as well

  • dont see point in buyin these sorta thinks in UK now cant even make a backup now with copywrite laws so any damage to disc in fcukd :(

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

    • Official Post

    You actually make a good point Honcho, these movies are getting pirated regardless, so why not allow those that buy the original to also download a digital copy also ?

    I know some companies already offer this service, should become the norm really, so even if a well looked after blu ray disc does get a scratch which your unable to remove then at least you have a digital copy

  • you should be able to protect your investment just like they are able to via MPAA in takedowns ect ect
    but they dont care about the end user and just interested in making as much coin outa everyone as possible
    i mean we now can be done if we rip our own music disc's and stick em on our ipod's or any other device
    under new ACT's pushed out by the STATE its crazy sir :) but they just want us to buy hardcopy then buy digital copy
    not all providers are same off-course some do give you digital copy via download but there few in far between
    i used to buy loads oh DVD's all be x-rental in rip em so i could access via any device on my network
    but this is been targeted by these money grabbi so in so's :(

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

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