Pub company fined £120k after illegally airing Sky Sports

    • Official Post

    Cranleigh pub company fined £120k after illegally airing Sky Sports in three of its premises

    The fine was given to Merlin Inns Ltd after they pleaded guilty to 10 offences at pubs in Effingham, Cranleigh and Feltham

    A Cranleigh-based pub company has been found guilty of illegally airing Sky Sports in three of its pubs and ordered to pay £120,600 in fines and costs.

    The fine was given to Merlin Inns Ltd after the company pleaded guilty to 10 offences at South East Surrey Magistrates Court on Monday April 4.

    The company which owns 14 pubs in the UK, and based at Smithbrook Kilns, was fined £90,000 and ordered to pay costs of £28,500.

    Three designated premise supervisors in the company also pleaded guilty to a total of three offences and were each fined £600 and a victim surcharge of £60 bringing the total to £120,600.

    The three premises involved were Sir Douglas Haig, The Street, Effingham , The Cranley Hotel, Cranleigh, and The Three Horseshoes, Feltham.

    After the sentence, Ted Friswell, operations director for Merlin Inns Ltd, said: “Merlin Inns were extremely disappointed with the result of the case at Redhill court and believe the fine to be completely disproportionate to the offence.

    “We are considering an appeal.”

    These convictions were carried out by the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) on behalf of its members, and forms a ‘key part of Sky’s commitment to protecting pubs who invest in legitimate Sky Sports subscriptions’.

    FACT works closely with statutory law enforcement agencies to combat all forms of piracy and members include global and UK film distributors, TV broadcasters and sport rights owners.

    Illegal activity
    Stephen Gerrard, prosecuting manager at the Federation Against Copyright Theft said: “Regrettably for Merlin Inns Ltd they choose to ignore official notices alerting them to their illegal activity and refuse advice to legitimise their behaviour. “Now the company is left with a substantial fine and three employees with criminal records.

    “This result should serve as a strong warning to any pub company or employee thinking of bypassing the legitimate process to think twice about their actions.

    “It is a criminal offence which the courts, FACT and Sky take incredibly seriously.

    “Merlin Inns Ltd have also short changed law-abiding pubs in the area who legitimately pay commercial Sky subscriptions and are potentially losing customers to venues screening matches illegally.”

    Alison Dolan, deputy managing director at Sky Business, said: “The significant penalty applied in this case not only demonstrates how seriously the courts take the issue of fraudulently screening TV programmes, but also indicates just how significantly the suppliers of illegal equipment have been misleading publicans.

    “Anyone choosing to believe these suppliers, or who has been offered any kind of guarantee from an illegal supplier should take note: these suppliers cannot stop pub companies as well as individuals from getting a criminal record, as this latest result now shows.

    “The courts continue to send a clear message to publicans who consider fraudulently screening TV programmes in their venue – if you choose to televise content illegally then you run the very real risk of being caught and face substantial penalties and a criminal record.”

    Source :…mpany-fined-120k-11147606

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