Sab Titan III or Ferguson Ariva 152

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,105 times. The last Post () by moondog101.

  • Hello All

    I'm looking for a combo box to receive free satellite UK channels etc and Irish digital terrestrial channels.

    I have settled on either of the Ferguson Ariva 153 or the SAB Titan III but am not sure which to go for. Could someone recommend one over the other for me please?

    To my untrained eye they are both pretty much the same with the Ferguson having a wee bit more on the Web interface with the likes of Dailymotion and Google Maps. Would this be true?
    I have seen on that you can change the SAB Titan settings to include more RRS, Weather and HTTP URLS... can this be done on the Ferguson?

    The SAB Titan Channels List can be auto updated from the web ... can this be done on the Ariva?

    The Ferguson Ariva 153 has the ability to send its picture to a mobile device via the Big2Small app - can it do the reverse? Can the SAB do this?

    There does seem to be more general support and firmware updates on the web for the Ariva 153 and the SAB does not have alot about it on the web which leads me to suspect that the Ferguson is liked more. Is this corect?

    Considering that both machines are similar I guess maybe I should make up my mind on how their OSD/GUI is for general/daily usage by a couple of older people.
    Which one would have the most user friendly GUI for daily use?

    So which would you recommend please?

    Thanks for any response

    PS - what does Patched firmwares give a box?

  • Sab titan looks the better of the two but you'd be better off (in my opinion) going for a linux combo receiver.
    With that, you'll get the full epg for both satellite and terrestrial as opposed to just now and next on satellite (28.2) on both the ariva and sab.
    As regarding difficulty of using a linux receiver over the two you mentioned, it will be different but not daunting and will have a far superior osd / gui than the ariva or sab.
    There will be vastly more plugins than the few your limited to with either the sab or ariva.
    Channel list (bouquets) and epg (program guide) can be updated also from the net/satellite.
    I have the edision os-mini combo, and find it a very capable receiver and it won't break the bank (about €35 more expensive than sab)


    PS - what does Patched firmwares give a box?

    Patched firmware normally gives you access to cams/emulators ,which aren't included in the standard firmware
    It may also give you access to some extra plugins that wouldn't be suitable for the younger/prudish .

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