Need help with installing Oscam on solo 4K!

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,062 times. The last Post () by monkified.

  • Hey guys,

    I am totally new to Oscam and the cam topic in general.

    I have a motorized dish and a solo 4k receiver. I have a preinstalled OpenPli image on my receiver which I would like to replace it with either Blackhole or OpenBlackhole as many seems to be liking it.

    The flashing of an image seems pretty straightfoward. But:

    - How do I install Oscam? Perhaps I can first practice and try installing it with the current image (openpli) i have. Could someone plz write me step by step how to proceed?

    - After having Oscam installed, would i get all encrypted channels (in all satellites) open to watch or just some regional channels?

    Thank you in advance!!!!!!!

    • Official Post

    The attached OSCam is packed inside an ipk file..

    [How To] Install an ipk file on any enigma2 receiver

    OSCam doesn`t open any premium channels on its own. You need your own subscription / card or a connection to a server that has one..

    • Official Post

    Which card are you going to share ? When we know this we can direct you to the configs needed..

    You need to setup a dynamic hostname.. The hostname forms the first part of all lines you send to your peers. Install this plugin and add your details to it to keep the hostname updated..

    Open up the cccam or newcamd sharing ports in your router.. These ports can be configured in oscam.conf.. Tell us the router make and model so we can direct you to a portforwarding guide..

    Create C or N line and add new users in OSCam

    If you have more question just ask bud..

  • Thank u Master G!

    I have no (physical) cards to share. My aim is to set up my solo 4K in order to watch encrypted channels. I have installed your backup open blackhole image.

    What I have done so far:
    - installed the latest version of oscam using vu+ control center.
    - changed the ip of my box from dynamic to static.
    - setup a dynamic host name as u suggested on no-ip website.
    - completed the port forwarding step using my router's web interface. Opened port 12000.

    - Do I have to follow and perform all the step even though I have no cards to share?
    - I read that for the creation of c line I need to have a username & password either my own or shared with me by a friend. How do I do if I don't know anyone who shares it with & neither have my own?

    If there is something which i have done incorrect or unnecessary than plz correct and tell me.
    I highly appreciate ur support.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Use OpenATv 5.3

    Hi Ferdi,

    Why do u specifically suggest openatv? Is this better than blackhole?

  • All steps you have performed so far were unnesscary if you don`t have your own card or a reshare from a friends server. You can`t create shares out of thin air buddy..

    This is disappointing!

    What should i do then?
    Do i need to buy a card? If I do then what's the point of so much hassle?
    Or do I have to ask people, for example you :), in this or some other forum to reshare?
    Or becoming a vip member by donating here will be enough?
    Actually I read ur or some other senior member's post in this forum saying that this whole thing is suppose to be free, right?

    Plz help and let me know what to do. Thanks!

    • Official Post

    I don`t think you get what the concept of card SHARING is about.. Read this -> Cardsharing n00b newbie dummy guide..

    Donating won`t get you access to any free servers.. There is an area in the VIP section where members can share with each other.. But if you have nothing to offer, don`t expect anyone to give you connection to their server, never mind a reshare..

    Its free, as in no money exchanges hands ever, but that doesn`t mean everyone gets free TV for nothing..

    You can go down the pay server route, but once you do that we won`t give you any further support..

  • Thanks bro for the clarification.
    I have read that thread. In the thread it says that CS is comparable to torrents. I thought it is very much like that because in torrents u neither pay nor have the requirement to share something first. Of course if u download something, it is great and appreciated to share it by seeding it back. If I understand u right CS is more like a barter economy, u give something to get something. Plus I thought resharing clines strengthens the whole system of CS (like in torrents).

    Let's say if manage to somehow get a local I ll then be able to decrypt specific channels. By sharing my local with others and others sharing theirs with me, I will be able to decrypt more channels. Am I right? A single cline opens only some specific channels or group of channels, right?
    One more questions, I see some forums where people share their clines for free and specific amount of time. Is it safe to use those clines?

  • You'l not get anyone sharing with you if you haven't got anything to share back pal, that's why the Hobbys called card sharing.
    I wouldn't think a senior member on here would say "it's all for free" as it isn't unless you get somone to give you a share to there server.
    Buying a VIP on here will not get you a share.

  • [MENTION=103059]monkified[/MENTION], Master G made that already clear.

    The question, now, is how would u someone who is new to this? One gotta start from somewhere, right. If I pay for this then I won't get any support here as stated above. Vip membership won't help me as u say. How do I got about with it then?

  • [MENTION=103059]monkified[/MENTION], Master G made that already clear.

    The question, now, is how would u someone who is new to this? One gotta start from somewhere, right. If I pay for this then I won't get any support here as stated above. Vip membership won't help me as u say. How do I got about with it then?

    what i did is i bought a porn card first around 120 quid and started sharing it, i got a few shares back from it. theres a lot of xxx cards about getting shares so there not really wanted as much as a sports card, so then i subscribed to bt sports and my shares grew to around 15 which is plenty for me to get the channels i want to open, i got help from this forum setting it up and help from here when my servers gone tits up, there isnt anything you can do to your server to break it that hasnt been posted on here a thousand times so take a chance and buy a card or subscribe to a $ky service and share that

    i got my card from here (delete if not allowed)…d-viaccess-12-month-card/

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