No bouquet created

  • Hi, Thank you for this great plugin, I own a dm500s but recently upgraded to a dm800 se v2 and am running a BlackHole image by ramiMaher. I have it all setup but can't seem to figure out how to get bouquets on it properly, I keep having to press RED and go through every channel alphabetically to find what I want. I did install AB 28.2 by Lraizer, I had to do it manually via ftp, because no matter how many times I tried to install the .ipk it never showed up. I did a fresh service scan, Then ran AB 28.2 and setup the config to suit my location, but it finishes in just a few seconds, and there is never a bouquet created. The image comes with what seems to be called a cross epg, but is quite annoying as it rarely shows whats on, at least not until I select the channel first. I did put a bouquet in manually that I got online, and used dreamboxEDIT to upload it to the receiver, this worked, sort of, the bouquet is quite old and has not been updated in quite some time so a lot of the channels do not work inside the bouquet, and I still find myself going to "all" to select a channel I want to watch. On the commando image it was so easy, getepg took care of my epg and AB 28.2 always worked, now my setup is a complete mess. I would greatly appreciate any assistance, thank you.

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