Sending EMM using script to reboot client

  • I was having issue running my card sharing server. Problem was at first that EMM was not send because some receivers don't have that option or it doesn't work (Amiko 8260+ in my case).

    However I have one old Dreambox 500 running OpenPli (not important I think) and newcamd. I added AU: 1 in mg_cfg and it start sending EMM but only on reboot (hard reboot). Maybe my mg_cfg is misconfigured so it only sent EMM on reboot if someone can help I'm here to listen :)

    So two options: reboot it manually every day in period when emm should be updated or make a script to do that. Here is a script(dm500 has telnet access) I'm running on RaspBerry (any other linux device should work also) where I'm running also my server (Oscam):

    and also a script for putting dm500 to standby after EMM was sent:

    in order to execute this script every day I add it to crontab. Run this command on raspberry:

    crontab -e

    and add this in crontab (at the end of file) to execute scripts at 5:45 every day for dm500 restart and at 5:50 to put dm500 to standby:

    45 5 * * * expect /home/user/send_emm/
    50 5 * * * expect /home/user/send_emm/

    hope that someone will find this helpfull!

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