after a new box

There are 4 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 572 times. The last Post () by vikkisdad.

  • hi all, ive got a dm500 and got my sly card in it and sharing with my mate, how meny of my mates can i share on it b4 i start geting glitches? how can i stop the glitches from happening a better box? if so what would be the best to go for needs to be cheap not got much money lol

  • if its just you and a few mates ie 6 or so a DM500 will do the job perfectly well,i've seen on the net that these are capable of 25+ but i'm sure you dont need that many and most peeps recommend no more than 10 for glitch free viewing. I share with 5 close mates and have 3 around the house with no probs at all.
    alternitavly you could go the route and set up a pc based server which is a cheap enough option if you have an old tower laying about but to be honest if its just for a few mates you have all you need.

  • if its just you and a few mates ie 6 or so a DM500 will do the job perfectly well,i've seen on the net that these are capable of 25+ but i'm sure you dont need that many and most peeps recommend no more than 10 for glitch free viewing. I share with 5 close mates and have 3 around the house with no probs at all.
    alternitavly you could go the route and set up a pc based server which is a cheap enough option if you have an old tower laying about but to be honest if its just for a few mates you have all you need.

    thanx for that mate, ive got 6 of me mates on it at the mo n theres about 8 lads at work n puting 2 more around the house soon, so dont think my dm500 will cope will it? so was thinking of an over box but dont no what to go for, was looking at the Vu boxes


  • sorry mate but i have no knowledge of the Vu's capabilities but if it helps most seem to think the dm500 is better for this purpose than the could be spending a lot of money for something which is no better than your using now.If you dont fancy setting up a pc server why dont you get one of your mates to sub a card and do it that way ie 8 for your mates at work and 6 for your other mates plus your home.obviously split the costs of the cards between you,otherwise i'd maybe trial and error the 500 you may well find its holds up ok as will everyone be pulling off your card at the same time all the time ???

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