Xc MultiServer DM4U 2.2 Modded Lululla all

There are 131 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 31,918 times. The last Post () by Lululla.

  • Bro, let's go step by step :

    I have installed : enigma2-plugin-extensions-dm4u-e2-xcplugin-iptv-mod-lululla_2.3_all.ipk and restart GUI.

    On /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions I can see XC plugin folder.

    On this folder i have cfg file ...........in this cfg file i have 2 xml files : xc_e2_plugin.xml and xc_e2_plugin2.xml

    On which xml file should i put the xtream_e2portal_url , user and passwd ? in xc_e2_plugin.xml or xc_e2_plugin2.xml ?

    Why those file are not in /etc/enigma2 like other plugins ? You choose that....then it's ok ?

    On which xml should i put in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions or in /etc/enigma2 ?

    I have put xtream_e2portal_url , user and passwd on all of them and restart GUI .

    I can see the XC plugin on menu. Press menu and I have no live stream option....I have nothing there.


    I have press red button and it say : Playlist error : unknown url type : ?username=password=1234 URL: ( see atachent 2.jpg )


    Press green button the same thing.

    Press yellow button it crash : see the crash log

    crash log yellow button.txt

    Press blue button ...nothing happend.

    I have change the folder XC plugin you gave me and replace the old one in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions and restart GUI

    I i put the xtream_e2portal_url , user and passwd.........restart GUI ........still the same thing : Playlist error : unknown url type : ?username=password=1234 URL:

    Press yellow button ...crash....this is the crash file :

    2nd crash log yellow button.txt

    So where is the problem ? There is something I 'm doing wrong ?


  • sorry fo my bad english..

    The folder where you can put the files can decide which one is to use with the yellow Config button

    - /etc/enigma2

    -media / hdd / xlmfiles_e2


    In config folder

    es: media/hdd/xmlfiles_e2

    You can put as many .xml files as you want, the important ones that start with "xc_"

    The login: user and password put in many files..

    Es.: In xc_e2_plugin.xml e/o xc_e2_plugin2.xml e/o xc_e2_plugin3.xml e/o xc_pippo.xml e/o xc_linuxsat.xml etc. etc. etc many files o one file

    No Touch fil .xml in folder plugin , use this in /etc/enigma2 or media/hdd etc..

    The Info Message error is because you have not set user and password in xml files

    Do not need to restart the gui after putting user and password;)

    Unfortunately it is not correct what you did so you have error

    Now I look at the crash log

    1 log crash

    2 log crash

  • edit only this line RED with Notepad++ and your data server Link h t t p ://mypanel.dyndns.tv:8000 (Without space)




  • Little Update v.2.4

    GREEN: switch file .xml - Switch Server

    MENU: config -conversion type & xml folder

    YELLOW: convert server in bouquet_list userbouquet.x.tv (M3U to TV / MPEGTS to TV)

    BLUE: back to video


    thanks for test..

  • Hi bro,

    Everything is OK, good job.

    I like a lot this plug in.

    How can I take off from server file xml the : epgrefresh, timers and skin_user-hdg ?

    I want to have only the servers on ,,switch server ,, green button ?

    I will give you the crash log for menu button. 9 see attachments )

    menu button crash log.txt

    You said that i can put as many servers I want . What is the maximum server I can add in ? 8, -10 ?

    At the moment I have 2 servers and i want to put another one. Where should I put the xml....on /etc/enigma2 ? and give the name xc_e2_plugin3.xml ?


  • ok

    I still have to fix the list of all xml files in / etc / enigma2 better to use media / hdd folder / media / hdd / xmlfiles_e2 so you have all the xml files you want

    please test this attach overwryte folder plugin

  • The old clock did not walk.

    the other question : can you put back the clock you used on version 2.0....it's looks better with the old one....if you can.

    Thanks, great job anyway:fist bump::fist bump::fist bump:

  • ok

    I still have to fix the list of all xml files in / etc / enigma2 better to use media / hdd folder / media / hdd / xmlfiles_e2 so you have all the xml files you want

    please test this attach overwryte folder plugin

    hi mate i changed my file so i had location as etc/enigma2/xc so all the xml files go in the xc folder if you dont want to use the hardrive, works well and i dont have the problem of the program reading any other xml files found in etc/enigma2

  • xc = folder??? o init start_name_file??

    you have modded??



    this attach zip is ok

    is ok for my box .. please test and report

    xml folder:


    only files start filename with xc

  • in plugin.py file i edited this

    def mountm3uf():
        pthm3uf = []
        if os.path.isfile('/proc/mounts'):
            for line in open('/proc/mounts'):
                if '/dev/sd' in line or '/dev/disk/by-uuid/' in line or '/dev/mmc' in line or '/dev/mtdblock' in line:
                    pthm3uf.append(line.split()[1].replace('\\040', ' ') + '/')
        return pthm3uf

    only because etc/enigma2 has other xml files, i suppose it could be anything

  • a thanks.. but yu have a old version??

    this is new version code

    def mountm3uf():
        pthm3uf = []
        if os.path.isfile('/proc/mounts'):
            for line in open('/proc/mounts'):
                if '/dev/sd' in line or '/dev/disk/by-uuid/' in line or '/dev/mmc' in line or '/dev/mtdblock' in line:
                    drive = line.split()[1].replace('\\040', ' ') + '/'
                    if not drive in pthm3uf:  # Mod. by Diamondear
        return pthm3uf

    test attach Up reply

  • in this version put filelist xc_*.xml



    Important: files xc_*.xml is new now..

    use this file xml

    Necessary files: xc_e2_plugin.xml

    Other files: xc_XXXXX.xml, xc_XXXXXYYYY.xml, xc_XXXXX.YYYYY.ZZZZZ.xml, etc...


    i haved a problem with skin blackhole..

    with menu Button .. .crash..

    Who knows if anyone can test it , this only test ok?


    restart gui after save-config

    To make changes to folder folder (xml)

    After saving the config you have to restart enigma2, but it already asks for the plugin,

    In short .. try it okay .. hello

  • tested skin egami work perfect.

    can give support revert xc_e2_plugin.xml in userbouquet.VOD__tv_.tv ?

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