Full HD Glass 17

There are 436 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 127,845 times. The last Post () by mekchi2006.

  • So the picons in both folders are supposed to be the same? Folders named picon, piconSat, piconProv?

    Wouldn't it be easier to read picons from one place, e.g. on the HDD? Possibly so that the path to picon could be provided in the settings.

  • Sorry, but somehow I don't understand the question.

    If you are interested in where the picons for individual encryption systems are stored, then their location is in the folder named - piconCam.

    If not, maybe it would be better if you specified "more specifically" what you are actually asking, because I didn't really understand it from the text of the question. :upside down face:

    Nosce te ipsum.

  • @tuttifrutti

    Skin works well for many people. But you don't want to understand that if something doesn't work for you in a specific case, I first look for a mistake in myself and only then write on the forums. But you don't, you immediately write that the plugin is bad or doesn't work, even if others write the opposite and it works for them. Even if they give you some advice, you still don't do it and keep writing "your own".

    That's why I won't give you any advice or write anything at all.

    Nosce te ipsum.

  • Once again, I will break my rule that I will not write anything to you. As always, you write nonsense and outright lies to defend yourself. The fact that you do not know it, that you do not know how to work with it, does not mean that it does not exist! You want everyone to put everything right in your mouth, do everything for you, and you still say at the end that it's wrong because you don't understand it..

    Finally, when their oficial manufacturer DM has gone bankrupt and with it their support, you still have the option of OPEN... "official" images from OpenATV, OpenVision.....

    Screenshot 2023-10-26 124251.png  Screenshot 2023-10-26 124721.png and more, you just have to WANT to search...

    And I'm really done with you, there's no point in killing time.


  • Good morning,

    I have an error when I want to download elements in fullhdglass17_9.15, it tells me that I am not connected even though I am connected to the internet with my vu+ and openpli 9.0

    (7zip) ERROR: Sorry, FTP not available, check your internet connexion or your firewall!!!

    it's weird, I flashed my VU+ uno 4k se with openpli 9.0 then installed the fullhdglass17_9.15 skin, without anything else and impossible to download the image, icon or other I still have this same message error. I reflashed 3x without result, there must be something blocking but I don't see what, however as the elements were already on my HD I have most of the elements working.

    Do I need to change anything to have access to the download FTP?

  • I think it's a network problem, I hooked up a VPN and it downloads fine.

  • Thank you for your answer, but how do I connect a VPN to my VU+ uno 4k SE

  • You can use an X86 router with global VPN enabled. FOR-OpenWrt

  • Good day. I have a problem, can you advise me why the stations are not displayed, is it caused by the plugin, is it not a faulty setting... I made a new setting and the stations are still not displayed, when I switch the station the name is displayed... I don't understand what it is supposed to be ...

  • Sorry, but I think you're in the wrong place with your problem in this thread, because it's not a skin or skin settings problem, but I think it's more of a satellite signal strength reception problem. Have you tried searching for channels again?

    Dall'inizio del 2024 chiudo la mia attività per quanto riguarda E2 per problemi di salute.

    Ab Anfang 2024 werde ich meine aktivität bezüglich E2 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen beenden.

Enigma2 skins for oe-alliance based images.

Enigma2 skins for OpenATV, OpenDroid, OpenEight, OpenHDF, OpenNRF, OpenSPA, OpenViX and Pur-E2 images.

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