Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

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    • Official Post

    I checked and one of the big providers give the same result for me. So this is something on the provider side.

    It's Sunday and that usually means trouble, Have some patience and it will probably start working later tonight

    • Official Post

    I also tested with Xstreamity with same result. Live is down but VOD and Series works from this big provider

  • yes... Mr KiddaC never stops

    I started re-writing it last year, then I was seriously ill for the first 2 months of ths year, and still not 100%

    But Jedi plugin is complicated, so it is not as easy as just carrying on where I left off. So probably start from scratch again.

    It's nothing major, just bringing it more in line with the way I do certain things with my other plugin XStreamity which has been given a lot more attention and more up to date. Also see if I can hack in a way to read series as the direct source streams that some providers are now using(XUI ONE panels) means series are not currently populated.

    thank you very much for everything you do.Wishes from the heart for your health.

  • Hi KiddaC,

    Do jedi and xtreamity fetch and populate the epg the same way ?

    Reason I ask is that my supplier changed the server address last week. Since I updated the boxes I look after ( a mix of hs9 and sf8008 with a mix of atv and vix ) xtreamity seems to show the epg no problem. However jedi has been very hit and miss. I've moved jedi epg to hdd and that seemed to help then didn't. Tried the rebuild xml, didn't seem to make any difference. Changed from dvb to 4097 helped then didn't. May have been a placebo affect or just luck that these changes helped.But all along the xtreamity epg has always been spot on.

  • My xstreamity epg is pure wizardry. Its a secret how it works... In fact of the top of my head I can't even remember what it does its that complicated.
    Its something along the lines of try default epg.dat file as pulled in via epg importer (same as jedi), then I also bring in my own version, which downloads the xml file and converts to a json file, but while converting check the time offsets, check the code is valid etc etc. Removing or fixing any dodgy entries.

    Jedi only uses epg importer pulled in epg.

    If there is broken data in the file epg importer will fail as it only uses a very basic xml parser and it can't fix bad data.
    I have no control over jedi epg, thats is just reading epg importer data.

    If epg is broke, always good to delete your epg.dat file and try again. Their might be a bad old entry in there.

    Your stream type has no influence on the epg.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • just weird that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes by creating bouquets again and doing an import it starts working. Is it possible to try and use xtreamity epg for jedi by using that as the source in epgimporter ?

    Edited once, last by bro67 ().

  • Sounds like it is either struggling due to the large size of it, or there is the odd error in it.

    In epg importer, you can press menu button on the manual download scan, and it will show you a log file what is going on.

    And no, my xstreamity converted data can not be used as a new source for epgimporter. Sorry.

    And you do not need to keep recreating bouquets for epg. If epg is broke. Its epg importer you have to re run. Not jedi.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • about the picons... you could Download the m3u


    curl -L "" > "m3u.m3u";


    mv m3u.m3u /root/whatever


    And then edit the file via Script and remove every first 4 digits of each line, for example "DE| " prefix. Or delete Every "HD" or "FHD" in every line, or whatever fits your Situation.

    Then save the file and then use that path for jedimaker. Jedimaker itself could do that (before creating/updating the bouquets) in a /mnt/tmp as well I think, if the dev has time to put in.

    Then the bouquet's channel names would match the epg's channel names out of the jedi-box :)

    Who needs US|, UK|, etc. Prefixes at all, as you have beautiful markers in the bouquet list?

    What do you think about it KiddaC ?

  • Maybe is it a option to add in JedimakerXtream an script (choice on/off) to let the program remove in all bouquets everything between the | in front of the channel name. It's now already there for the UK bouquet by choosing "Force UK name swap".

    Therefor you don't have to edit the file to connect the picons.

    For example:


    |BE|HEVC| VTM 2 HD --> VTM 2 HD

    |NL|FHD| NPO 1 HD --> NPO 1 HD

    You can then also use the picons on SNR basis. (in the feed openATV or openPLi)

    Edited 4 times, last by Moost ().

  • Hello KiddaC,

    I've added some new lines in to rename the channel name.

    I want to create a function to rename the channels in all the bouquets, so picons (SNP) and EPG will apply.

    By so far I have the "UK only: Force UK name swap - on" to effect now on al the bouquets, not only UK.

    But i don't get it 100% OK.

    2 Things won't succeed:

    1: In the channel name, for example "|FR|FHD| CANAL+ SPORT HD", the HD at the end of the line also disappears. How can i keep that?

    2: The name swap also effect on the markers in the list, how can i exclude these? (example: ##### CANAL+ FRANCE FHD ##### --> CANAL+ FRANCE)

    I tried several new lines, delete some, but I can't get it right.

    Can you point me in the right direction where the changes to make?

    Edited 3 times, last by Moost ().

  • please don't post mods in this thread. People end up downloading them thinking they need to.
    Your mod is purely for your line providers style. Every provider is different. If it was that easy removing and shuffling around prefix and suffixes I would have done it myself.
    Also my files get tested on multiple images and boxes. Not just one image and one box.
    Start a new thread for mods if you need to.
    I appreciate you are trying to be proactive but it doesn't help me.


    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Hi KiddaC.

    Just looking for a bit of guidance.

    As I posted before my provider changed the server address and I have had problems with the epg.

    Epg importer imports epg and all works fine for a day or so then goes blank.

    However if I change player in jedi then import again it works for a day or so. Rinse repeat. As you said before also xtreamity is some sort of wizardry :) and that epg is always spot on. Your help would be appreciated if you have the time and/or energy to do so.

    Thanks again

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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