E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,276 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,909 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • It was a little bit complicated, but I delete all e2m3u2 lines from enigma2 settings, restart 2 times enigma2 to restore the configuration (automatic bouquet to no and after restart e2 to yes), and restart a last time to have config.plugins.e2m3u2b.autobouquetupdate=True in e2 settings.

    Now my last manual update is completed:

    [23.12 18:43:19] [e2m3u2b] Imported 54015 events per 00:03:20
    [23.12 18:43:21] [e2m3u2b] EPG import finished
    [23.12 18:43:21] [e2m3u2b] Bouquets update completed in 00:04:07
    [23.12 18:43:21] [e2m3u2b] Next wake up time: 23/12/21 20:39:58
    [23.12 18:43:21] [e2m3u2b] #### Finished ####

    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • This is the last of the list ... I have about 15 of them.

    You have an error in your log .. but this is not a plugin error. This is your IPTV provider server giving a 500 error ... But this should not cause the "next" update to be missing in the log. Import of this EPG is just skipped

    [23.12 17:55:53] [e2m3u2b] Download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'Exception'>: Invalid server response code received: 500
    --- <exception caught here> ---

    In fact I have this error for all providers with an empty epgurl in the config.xml. Perhaps a future implementation, do not check epg if there is no epgurl.

  • pepsik , is there a case in the code that restart e2?

    I just now had an interval update in background, but e2 has restarted. Epgs seem to be ok but not sure they are completed, the next refreh is ok (22:39) in the show log section, but in status section the last updated is not ok (18:39 instead of 20:39).

    Full log has been deleted by this e2 restart so I have no more information.


    Edited once, last by jeepcook ().

  • In fact I have this error for all providers with an empty epgurl in the config.xml. Perhaps a future implementation, do not check epg if there is no epgurl.

    If there is no epg url, then how can you contact the server?

    It was about the fact that referring to the link specified by you or which is contained inside the m3u playlist - the server we are accessing gives the answer HTTP Code 500

  • he plugin goes crazy, it run in a loop! kill enigma2 doesn't change anything,

    Download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.DNSLookupError'>: DNS lookup failed: Couldn't find the hostname ''.

    Where is the plugin here? And what does it have to do with this error?

  • Code
    Download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.DNSLookupError'>: DNS lookup failed: Couldn't find the hostname ''.

    Where is the plugin here? And what does it have to do with this error?

    These error is generated by e2m3u. Because of the loop, the box hang and is unable to do any action like download a m3u file, but if you see the full log you will find a lot of same actions repeated a lot of time. Multiple startup, example at the end of the file multiple startup for one provider

    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • Hello,

    I will continue my tests today because this plugin is a major one for my config.

    I have one question, why the plugin set xmltv to http://epg.openboxfan.com/xmltv-t-sd.xml.gz for providers that have no epgurl. And before you say it's me I made this changes, this url is nowhere in the config.xml nor the m3u files and so I am sure it is added by the plugin in the directory /media/hdd/E2m3u2bouquet/epgimport/ in the file named e2m3u2b_iptv_<provider_name>-all.sources.xml


    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • OK but this should be an option, what do you think about ?

    Perhaps ... And what should be the logic in your opinion? Remove auto-substitution from the code altogether?

    At the moment, the logic is that the priority is given to the EPG specified in the EPGurl field .... if there is "empty",

    then we are looking for a link to the EPG in the playlist itself, if it is not there, then we substitute "by default"

  • Perhaps ... And what should be the logic in your opinion? Remove auto-substitution from the code altogether?

    At the moment, the logic is that the priority is given to the EPG specified in the EPGurl field .... if there is "empty",

    then we are looking for a link to the EPG in the playlist itself, if it is not there, then we substitute "by default"

    Hello pepsik ,

    Example with my configuration.

    E2m3u2 generated serviceref are my references for all my manual bouquets lists. I made this choice to have minimum serviceref for a same channel.

    EpgImport is running once a day every day and some channels have there epg served in manual bouquets by this process and some other channels by the E2m3u2 process.

    E2m3u2 is running every 2 hours, because I have some providers with short epg duration. The E2m3u2 process replace for some channels the epg by the russian one, when epgurl is empty. The epg is fixed by the next EpgImport process but for a maximum of 2 hours delay (my set interval delay).

    I think that just an option to set epgurl to "0" or "none" to disable E2m3u2 to look for new epg could be enough. So for lot of users no new configuration has to be done.

    Hope I am clear.

    For information I made a lot of tests with 1.0.52 version, and after a clean installation of the plugin (clean settings, ipk, configuration files, clean epg and install new version, restore config.xml...), everything is ok and stable. Test on OATV 6.4 and 7.0. So it's cool !!


    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • So it's cool !!

    Everything keeps getting better.

    some channels have there epg served in manual

    Actually, you can use the override.xml functionality in the xmltvextrasources configuration part to set

    additional XMLTV sources by overriding the tvg-id value in the channel attributes

    But .... the choice is yours ;)

  • Actually, you can use the override.xml functionality in the xmltvextrasources configuration part to set

    additional XMLTV sources by overriding the tvg-id value in the channel attributes

    But .... the choice is yours ;)

    I will study this solution, because, to tell the truth I don't know at all how this option works ! But I will find ! :eye-tongue:

  • Hello pepsik ,

    Thanks for the update!

    Please, I'd like some changes to be done, if you want !

    - In the configuration, when "schedule type" is "Interval" and "automatic bouquet update (when box starts)" is set to "no", if the last update + the interval is less than the current time, the process e2m3u2 starts because of this interval, the no autostart is not taken in account. But for my part, in OATV 6.4 and OATV 7.0, something hang my box in a start at reboot, certainly because the process starts too early, I don't know. Btw I think if bouquet update at restart is no, no automatic start has to be done in all cases.

    - When i install a new image version, I'm using the automatic flash on the fly script and the myrestore.sh script (executed at the end of the restore process). In this script there are some commands included the installation of E2m3u2 plugin, the command is simply:

    opkg install /home/root/install/ipk/e2m3u2bouquet/enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_1.0.53_all.ipk

    The problem is that your package is trying to restart exigma2 at the end of the installation, see log code below. But in the restore process, enigma2 is not yet started and in fast restore mode process the last action is an automatic reboot when all commands are done. So I have to connect manually to the box via telnet and execute manually the reboot,, the script is in "restarting GUI" waiting so the automatic process is blocked. A solution could be to not send an enigma2 restart when there is no enigma2 process and exit the plugin installation script without any other commands.

    Installing Engima2 IPTV E2m3u2bouquet plugin
    E2m3u2bouquet plugin installed successfully
    2020-2021 (c)Dorik1972
    Restarting GUI .....
    root@mutant51:~# reboot

    - And the last one, as already asked ( :-) ), a way to bypass the hardcode epg urls. By checking these (this) url(s) the process takes more time unnecessarily.

    Thanks for your work.



  • The problem is that your package is trying to restart exigma2 at the end of the installation, see log code below. But in the restore process, enigma2 is not yet started and in fast restore mode process the last action is an automatic reboot when all commands are done. So I have to connect manually to the box via telnet and execute manually the reboot,, the script is in "restarting GUI" waiting so the automatic process is blocked. A solution could be to not send an enigma2 restart when there is no enigma2 process and exit the plugin installation script without any other commands.ckage? What is the reason for this action?

    Why are you stopping Enigma2 (init 4) before installing the ipk package? What is the reason for this action?

    - And the last one, as already asked ( :-) ), a way to bypass the hardcode epg urls. By checking these (this) url(s) the process takes more time unnecessarily.

    In progress ..... Not all at once

    In the configuration, when "schedule type" is "Interval" and "automatic bouquet update (when box starts)" is set to "no", if the last update + the interval is less than the current time, the process e2m3u2 starts because of this interval, the no autostart is not taken in account. But for my part, in OATV 6.4 and OATV 7.0, something hang my box in a start at reboot, certainly because the process starts too early, I don't know. Btw I think if bouquet update at restart is no, no automatic start has to be done in all cases.

    I will check and if I repeat the described situation, I will correct it.

  • The problem is that your package is trying to restart exigma2 at the end of the installation, see log code below. But in the restore process, enigma2 is not yet started and in fast restore mode process the last action is an automatic reboot when all commands are done. So I have to connect manually to the box via telnet and execute manually the reboot,, the script is in "restarting GUI" waiting so the automatic process is blocked. A solution could be to not send an enigma2 restart when there is no enigma2 process and exit the plugin installation script without any other commands.ckage? What is the reason for this action?

    Why are you stopping Enigma2 (init 4) before installing the ipk package? What is the reason for this action?

    It's not me! You don't know the restore/install process?

    The auto restore process is like that. To restore an image or install a new one, everything is automatic:

    - Download image (or select a local image)

    - Select installation destination (for multiboot installations)

    - Ask if setting have to be backup

    - Unzip image

    - Stop enigma 2

    - Install rootfs

    - Reboot

    - Let enigma2 stopped and restore all settings

    - Optional execute myrstore.sh script

    - Reboot

    After that you have a clean install with settings restored and optional actions done via myrestore.sh.

  • You don't know the restore/install process?

    Not that I don’t know ... but I just never use it .. what to backup there ? )))

    Do you have a sample bash script to determine if E2 is running? I will add the script to ipk-package ..... If not, then I'll write something like that

    [ "$(pidof enigma2)" ] && echo OK || echo NotOK

    in the next release

  • Not that I don’t know ... but I just never use it .. what to backup there ? )))

    Do you have a sample bash script to determine if E2 is running? I will add the package ipk to the script ..... If not, then I'll write it myself.

    An example of my script myrestore.sh (file to put under /media/hdd/images/config), executed only by the restore/update process. Few month ago my script was very complicated, but now it's really simple. Your ipk is at the end of the script because it's the only one waiting for e2 restart.

    In the same directory I have empty files fast, noplugins, settings. So fast to reboot after restoration, noplugins for non interactive asking which plugins to install (I use myrestore.sh for that), settings for restoration settings (enigma2settingsbackup.tar.gz available under /media/hdd/backup_openatv_<device_codename>)

    Edit: I think it was not your question !! You asked a script to control if e2 is running or not !! No I haven't this type of script !!

    Edited 2 times, last by jeepcook ().

  • Yeah tested and now it's ok !! good job, thanks!

    Installing Engima2 IPTV E2m3u2bouquet plugin
    E2m3u2bouquet plugin installed successfully
    2020-2022 (c)Dorik1972
    Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet (1.0.54) on root.
    Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet.
    Running in fast mode ... reboot ...

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