FreeServer Enigma2 Plugin by Mino60 - v8.3.8 py2 py3

There are 3,573 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,515,873 times. The last Post () by Clement Chiwaya.

  • You see... I didn't think of that, everything's fine now... Thanks :smiling face with halo: :boxer:

    FreeServer is installed but when I press the yellow button there is no such file or directory.

    too many problems with OpenPli when FreeServer was installed, it doesn't work again can't download servers yellow or info always error..

    Edited 2 times, last by Kosta 12 ().

  • You see... I didn't think of that, everything's fine now... Thanks :smiling face with halo: :boxer:

    FreeServer is installed but when I press the yellow button there is no such file or directory.

    too many problems with OpenPli when FreeServer was installed, it doesn't work again can't download servers yellow or info always error..

    Did you install curl?

    In telnet >> opkg install curl

  • I also installed curl and then the error now installs OpenPli 8.3 and I will see because FreeServer cannot be uploaded to 9.0 but it does not work as it should .. I do not know in what order what to upload via telnet..

  • First, install the freeserver plugin. You can do this in two ways. Via the wget command in telnet or by copying the ipk file to the tmp folder and change attributes to 755 who you will install in the Media scanner plugin. After installation, you will have to install the modules (pythons) that are missing. You will find the necessary modules in the feeds of image. The modules you need can be found in Menu>Software Management>Advanced Options>Package Manager.

  • Reading the previous posts, I noticed that some of you have installed Openpli 9.0. That image is still in the testing phase (prelease-test) or Openpli9.0 RC (release candidate) and therefore do not install it yet until it is finished. The last official image is Openpli8.3 for the specified receivers on the official website. As for the freeserver, you will not see it in the plugins, but when you enter the plugins, you will have a message that some modules are missing that need to be installed. When you install all the modules (maybe 2, 3, 4 modules ), then freeserver will be in the plugins. I didn't know some things either, so I learned over time.

    Kosta 12

    Did you install freeserver plugin on new image or not?

  • does it mean that after installing FreeServer it will show that the plugin is missing? Because it hasn't shown yet.

    I installed a new image 8.3, I made updates, I uploaded FreeServer and I found nothing else and it doesn't work..

    FreeServer can never be loaded on OpenPli

    Edited 2 times, last by Kosta 12 ().

  • I don't see a reason why freeserver can't be installed in Openpli image. How did you install it, via telnet command or ipk file.

    How is it that you received a message to install the PIL plugin for the previous image, and now nothing. What do you have now, do you have freeserver in the plugins and what is not working. If you need to install it again, uninstall the plugin in Plugins>Remove plugins (red button)>Extensions>freeserver and restart the box. What was your problem when you installed it. Just be patient, we will make it work for you.Install the ipk file instead of the telnet command.

  • I installed on OpenPli 9.0 it is in the plugins but it does not download the servers I have a wrong video recorded I will send ..

    I installed curl and after restarting FreeServer and info (help) it still happens

    Dont know why you have so many problems with this plugin, when you open it press yellow button and wait, if it doesnt download go to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugin/extensions/freeserver/ and execute the file, will find server lines in etc/CCcam.cfg and etc/tuxbox/config for oscam and ncam servers in their folders, if any!

  • And how do you install FreeServer 8.3.7 then?

    Just press enter when you paste the line.

    and i see that there is a file permission problem. you cannot execute the installer.

    and that is weird.

    what you can try is, in your terminal you can type . passwd root and when asked you chose a password of your choice than enter and re enter is when asked. than logout of your terminal en login again with user root and the password you chosen. then try to execute the freeserver installer again.

    Edited 2 times, last by alcomys ().

  • does it mean that after installing FreeServer it will show that the plugin is missing? Because it hasn't shown yet.

    I installed a new image 8.3, I made updates, I uploaded FreeServer and I found nothing else and it doesn't work..

    FreeServer can never be loaded on OpenPli

    I have Freeserver 8.3.7 working fine on Openpli 8.3.

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