AddKey aka Biss Key Editor PLUGIN [OE2.0 OE2.5]

There are 246 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 58,685 times. The last Post () by efesli.

  • fairbird

    I managed to install the latest version of plugin ( v.5.8 ) , but still with same issue with crashlog. Also is installed wget

    and in telnet showing that is up to date. As far as know , selecting " Add key Manually" should open Virtualkeyboard ,

    but I always get craslog enigma2. Maybe exist some collision , because you use original V.keyboard vs V.keyboard in plugin file.

    Or maybe isn't something compatible with my Pure2 image ?. Anyway thanks , but I hope that exist some solve .

  • I can not support old version ... Why I was released new version every time ?!!! Because to solve the problem ...

    And You want to go back to old version ... You should to install latest version then ask about support ...

  • fairbird

    Sorry , but you are answered on my older post #142. I installed your latest version 5.8 and explained what happens in my post #144.

    Once again , when I select "Add key Manually" instead Virtualkeyboard on screen , I get crashlog every time. Here is problem.

    Maybe my Pure2 image is not compatible with your plugin. If you have time maybe you can test your plugin on Pure2 image.

    Thank you.

  • Sorry I don't have much time to support old image ....

    Always support newest images (Why) ?!!

    Because E2 source always update codes...

    The Pure Team has reached the version 6.5 and you still using old old version 6.2 ..

    Of course, there are many changes in the E2 source ... And My plugins always I trying to make it up to date with new changes in E2 ...

    So Please try version 6.5 and then send to the crash if you got it

    P.s: Did you installed the plugin with telnet command or you send it manually ?!!

    If you send it manually you need to install python-six

    The crash says

    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ensure_text'

    That means the python-six does not installed or you have old version of package not compatible with code of plugin (six.ensure_text)

  • I can not support old version ... Why I was released new version every time ?!!! Because to solve the problem ...

    And You want to go back to old version ... You should to install latest version then ask about support ...

    Hello my good friend, I enter the command and this message comes

    Vu+ duo 4k se image openblackhole 5.1 python 3

  • fairbird

    Many thanks for reply. Unfortunately , I can't install v.6.5 because it is not for my model ( DM800SE ). Only version 6.2 .

    The plugin is installed with telnet command. Python six module is already installed in image , but is probably old or outdated.

    Also , I know that is my Pure2 v.6.2 image old , but I like this image especially for my model ( flodder - boottool ) . For now I will

    try to find somewhere updated python - six ( six.ensure_text ) or try to ask Pure2 Team for help.


    It's seems that old source ( ) from which you want to install no longer works. You must install only from

    new source , see post #137 ( new github source)

  • That file just to test for old images which have old python-six ....

    open blackhole 5.1 have always new packages no need it ....

    And about install plugin did you read this update or not ?!!!

    And Panda555 already he was answered you here

  • I installed your six.pyo file . I know that is only for test. Now the Virtualkeyboard opens when I select "Add key Manually" ,

    but my receiver remain "frozen". My remote does not respond to any command and I must switch off receiver on rear panel.

    This time without crashlog. Unfortunately , it didn't help and I will ask Pure2 team for help.

  • Yes, I read all your posts, what telnet command should we install in this new image of open blackhole?

    No command works and does not install

  • what telnet command should we install

    :face with head bandage:

    There is only one command (Do you have seen more than one commands in this replay ?!!)

    You was trying to install plugin with old command has already been removed ...

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