Wich setup to chose ?

  • I have been asked to set up an server for a friend that he will run with some of his friends
    The goal here is to get a jitter&lagg free watching. Therefor i will run 2 servers for redundancy.

    Hardware for the first server will be.
    1x stand alone pc with Dedian6
    2x readers smargos

    Id like to run it with the same setup as I have @ home
    ip1 newcs/csp >| cache link |< ip2 newcs/csp - but cant see that happening with smargo's
    had a battle with them few nights ago but no stability under newcs whatsoever.

    Also I've read around that the USB readers can change device (id?) during a restart witch
    would cause the server not finding the reader or have I gotten this wrong if this is the
    case is there a fix for this when using smargo readers?

    So the actual question is, What kind of readers to use.
    Smargo usb - non working with newcs?
    Omnikey usb
    Multipro serial - expensive but works flawless with newcs

    T90, 800se 1tb, 800s, 600c

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