Za/Multichoice/Dstv/Osn XMLTV

There are 14 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,876 times. The last Post () by ro.rioflex.

  • Can anyone point me in the right direction to get EPG data for The South African Supersport Channels please ?

    I need up to date Sref's too if that's at all possible ?

    If EPG cannot be obtained via CrosEPG or EPGimport, then a working Webgrab++ ini will do if anyone has one ? I can then code the Sref's into a py file to give EPG on my box.

    Everything I've found seems to be from around 2011 so is out of date.

    • Official Post

    not found anything readily available

    have you asked on the webrab forum ? Last time i was on there seemed to be a lot of fighting going on, especially over newer ini's

    You can thank the iptv servers for that.

    I too would be interested in this if you get anywhere


    My ini's are from 2016, just had a quick go. One of the sites is down, the other 2 require cookies to be generated, i dont have time at the moment, anyways ini and instructions attached

  • Thanks.

    Yes exactly that, lots of infighting. Any new ini's require you to donate. Its basically a paid service now, hence me asking here. I tried the ini from the pack from 2016, but it didn't work, even after cookie generation. I will give yours a go, but I suspect they're the same as what I already have if their from 2016 too. There's nothing on the Github either, other ini's have been updated, but nothing new from South Africa since 2016.

    The 14 Supersports Channels are just brill for footie, carrying all the English Cups and Premier League as well as F1 and loads of other goodies too. All that's lacking is EPG for them, which would be easy to code into a py to load onto my box if using WebGrab, if a working ini can just be found. As I stated earlier, no Sref's for these Channels has been posted online that I can find since 2011, to try to get EPG from the Rytec Sources. However, saying that, it seems those sources have not been updated for these Channels since around 2013 either. Looks like this might be a lost cause, which is a shame as the Channels are so good.

    • Official Post


    Yes exactly that, lots of infighting. Any new ini's require you to donate. Its basically a paid service now, hence me asking here. I tried the ini from the pack from 2016, but it didn't work, even after cookie generation. I will give yours a go, but I suspect they're the same as what I already have if their from 2016 too. There's nothing on the Github either, other ini's have been updated, but nothing new from South Africa since 2016.

    The 14 Supersports Channels are just brill for footie, carrying all the English Cups and Premier League as well as F1 and loads of other goodies too. All that's lacking is EPG for them, which would be easy to code into a py to load onto my box if using WebGrab, if a working ini can just be found. As I stated earlier, no Sref's for these Channels has been posted online that I can find since 2011, to try to get EPG from the Rytec Sources. However, saying that, it seems those sources have not been updated for these Channels since around 2013 either. Looks like this might be a lost cause, which is a shame as the Channels are so good.

    Well it was not easy but got there in the end with webgrab, infact 10+ days data should be possible

    How do we wish to proceed now ? I am interested in what your plans would be with a .py on the box ?

    Normally the serv ref is not important, only the xmltv id to marry a channel with its correct data

    Could we have a way of sharing the data ? I dont like the idea of the site getting hammered like so many are now....

    attached is the guide data, it is rough, not tested yet, it may require a time offset and possible a cleanup of un-required data such as logos etc etc

  • Attached is the py what I currently use. (no sref lines added yet for Supersports) Also attached is the Channels.xml which has to match the numbers in the

    As you can see from the code there are 2 ways of doing it. Either by adding your own sref numbers which match those added to the attached IPTV.xml file on the Server, or by adding the real sref's from Sat or Cable if obtainable. The attached also assigns the channels into specific bouquets, such as Sports, Movies, Entertainment ect ect.

    Basically you run this manually on your box and it assigns numbers to from the added sref's in it to your IPTV Channels on your box. Then in CrossEPG you add code to get it to download the Webgrab++ Data which is saved on a Server as a guide.xml which is then compressed as a guide.xm.gz after first adjusting for any offsets. This is all automated at the time of download using crons.

    It sounds complicated but it really isnt, all you are doing is downloading from Webgrab, adjusting for offsets, and then compressing into a file type that CrossEPG understands which contains sref's that match those in your IPTV Channel lists, CrossEPG downloads this daily from the Server at 4am and then merges into your existing .dat file.

  • I was going to add the EPG you downloaded to the Server to show you the proof of concept, but I need your generated channels.xml to get the correct channel id's to add to the IPTVchannels.xml (attached above) located on the Server. Your file only contains the final guide.xml

    We can then sort you out access to the Server by adding a bit of code to your CrossEPG

    I would also need your working DSTV ini too.

    Attached is an to show you how the offset is adjusted. As you can see the output file is the final guide.xml which is then simply compressed into .gz for CrossEPG to download. The time difference for the Supersport Channels would need adding to this. Its a pain figuring out the actual difference especially with Channels from the Far East, but I dont think South Africa is much different to UK time ?

    • Official Post

    sounds good nice one

    I'm at work now but will have good look tonight beer10

    Perhaps master G will let us host the server data on linuxsat like we has when I did vermin epg.

    Like the idea of a crossepg script

  • Sweet.

    EPG for Supersport 1 and 11 is there, but because of a site issue ( probably getting hamered) its not downloaded everything for today and the full EPG only starts at 22.30 tonight. Just now need to keep an eye on it to check the offsets and see if the times are correct for everything.

    I will send you some files once I've done this and all is ok.

    We just need some Picons now.

    EDIT: Yeah the offset is out by about an hour I think. I hate getting the offsets right, it batters my head, but I will try adjusting tomorrow.

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