Viasat och Canal Digital

There are 43 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 8,966 times. The last Post () by -=DREAMBOX=-.

  • Hej!

    Jag behöver hjälp angående Viasat Nordic-kortkonfiguration i Oscam. Kan någon vägleda mig vilket kort, avkodare (mottagare) jag kommer att använda för att köra Viasat-kort i Oscam. På samma sätt för Canal Digital också.


  • icecool_denmark

    There are some working swedish 0940 cards that open HD channels using cacheex.

    2019/12/13 23:33:47 327A26B1 c (ecm) username (0940@000000/01DD/0578/93EFABF6581B7427F709E90DC3B98D791): found (167 ms) by reader-1 (P/1/2/4) - Viasat Film Action HD (real 147 ms)

    2019/12/13 23:33:47 327A26B1 c (ecm) username (0940@000000/01CA/05A0/93:5E66D52D303BB07861C479E1462C19A5): found (169 ms) by reader-1 (P/1/2/4) - Viasat Motor HD (real 148 ms)

    2019/12/13 23:33:49 485A3E50 c (ecm) username (0940@000000/0158/0640/72:2B22ADE75FCAC9E9572C0D43617E138C): found (170 ms) by reader-2 (P/1/2/5) - Viasat Film Premiere HD (real 150 ms)

    2019/12/13 23:33:50 327A26B1 c (ecm) username (0940@000000/015B/0686/72:66538BE9AE7CC1A5839B59F244572C13): found (430 ms) by reader-1 (P/1/2/4) - National Geographic HD East (real 408 ms)

  • Det kommer nok ikke til at ske Viasat køre med viasat videoguard og lige pt er der ikke noget der kan afkode Viasat hd det samme med canal digital Nordic Viasat ultra hd og tv3 max da de er parre :-)

    det finns också en nyhet att Telenor Group och NEND kombinerar Canal Digital och Viasat.

    Vad blir det nya krypteringssystemet.

  • Do you have card? and is it working perfectly? Can you share more details please?

  • Jeg har ingen card til Viasat jeg har kort til Canal Digital jo de vil fusionerer Viasat og Canal Digital hvad de vil bruge af udsyr og deres kodesystem det er der ingen de ved men jeg håber de beholder conax system men Viasat A/S bliver til VCB Denmark A/S skriver de til deres kunder i Danmark Viasat navnet benyttes fortsat som brand som før. Om navneskiftet har noget med den kommende fusion mellem Viasat og Canal Digital, meldes der ikke noget om, men der er da både et V og et C i det nye selskabsnavn. så kan vi kun gæt på hvad om det er deres nye navn jeg gætter på Viasat Canal Broadcast

  • Jeg har ingen card til Viasat jeg har kort til Canal Digital jo de vil fusionerer Viasat og Canal Digital hvad de vil bruge af udsyr og deres kodesystem det er der ingen de ved men jeg håber de beholder conax system men Viasat A/S bliver til VCB Denmark A/S skriver de til deres kunder i Danmark Viasat navnet benyttes fortsat som brand som før. Om navneskiftet har noget med den kommende fusion mellem Viasat og Canal Digital, meldes der ikke noget om, men der er da både et V og et C i det nye selskabsnavn. så kan vi kun gæt på hvad om det er deres nye navn jeg gætter på Viasat Canal Broadcast

    Tack för ditt svar.

    Jag tror att de kommer att använda gamla Conax-kryptering.

    Jag vill veta att du kan ge mig Canal Digital Oscam detaljer och metod för utvinning av RSA-nycklar

  • Jeg har ingen card til Viasat jeg har kort til Canal Digital jo de vil fusionerer Viasat og Canal Digital hvad de vil bruge af udsyr og deres kodesystem det er der ingen de ved men jeg håber de beholder conax system men Viasat A/S bliver til VCB Denmark A/S skriver de til deres kunder i Danmark Viasat navnet benyttes fortsat som brand som før. Om navneskiftet har noget med den kommende fusion mellem Viasat og Canal Digital, meldes der ikke noget om, men der er da både et V og et C i det nye selskabsnavn. så kan vi kun gæt på hvad om det er deres nye navn jeg gætter på Viasat Canal Broadcast

    Tack för ditt svar.

    Jag tror att de kommer att använda gamla Conax-kryptering.

    Jag vill veta att du kan ge mig Canal Digital Oscam detaljer och metod för utvinning av RSA-nycklar

    inget svar????

  • Yes this it's a international board but you walk in where people speak Danish or swedish or other nordics languages

    Some of these information have been collected from linux-support forum. here we are talking about how to run Viasat and Canal Digital. So we need exact configuration , Extracting of RSA and its Tools etc.

    It has come to know that there is a news from the satellite TV market where Viasat and Canal Digital merge. This has just been announced in a press release where you can also read that the future satellite position will be 1 degree west, i.e. Canal Digital's current satellite position. Thus, leaving 5 degrees east and saving some money on transponder expenses.

    It will be exciting to see what channels we go for and what code system they will get if they keep Conax as Canal digital has it or NDS VideoGard as Viasat I hope they keep Conax or maybe they will run with more code systems.

    It is also shared that “Are badly afraid that this will go through and we end up with Telenor as the end supplier on the Satellite site.

    Now it's Telenor who owns Conax so don't think there will be any NDS system anyway;)

    and they have lost many customers at Viasat due to the code system ... Look at Telenor

    they only have Sport in their pair systems and it is only because they know they get customers due to something going and sharing.

    After all, Viasat in Norway is on the verge of bankruptcy and bleeding customers so this merger is probably their rescue :)

    Telenor Broadcast Holding AS has sold its encryption division Conax to the Swiss company Kudelski. Conax is a global content protection provider for digital TV services through broadcast, broadband and connected devices. then it is probably open to what code system they will use when they now no longer own Conax Telenor”

    The complete information shared are as under

    Norwegian telecommunications Telenor and the Swedish media company Nordic Entertainment Groups are creating a new company consisting of today's Viasat Consumer and Canal Digital.

    The new company will have a total turnover of around NOK 7 billion and just over 1.25 million customers.

    "The intention is to create a strong Nordic company that will provide an even better TV offering with the main focus on satellite distribution, but also with power services and TV over open fiber network," Telenor's information manager Tormod Sandstø told E24.

    The companies are a good match with a strong position in the Nordic region, says Sandstø.

    The companies write that they expect the new company to generate annual savings of up to NOK 600 million with full-year effect from 2022. The cuts are related to "transponder capacity", IT and sales, marketing and administration costs.

    It is unclear how much of the cost cuts contribute to Telenor and Nent respectively.

    Canal Digital is one of the major Norwegian TV distributors, and in 2018 had a turnover of NOK 4.48 billion. By comparison, Viasat Consumer had sales of NOK 2.66 billion.

    The merger is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2020.

    Up to NOK 830 million is expected in integration costs, which consists of restructuring and costs related to migrating Viasat's customers to Telenor Satellite.

  • Hi,

    I have a question. I have a subscription of Canal Digital Sverige (Baspaketet + Underhållning) and I now added the Viasat Film channels. Unfortunately all Viasat Film channels remain black except Viasat Series. Do the Viasat Film channels have some kind of pairing ? I do have the official Canal Digital CI+ CAM, but I only used regular Conax CI CAMs so far. If I now put in the current non-paired card in the official Canal Digital CI+ - will the card ONLY work in this CI+ in the future or could I still use the card in regular Conax CAMs for non-paired channels of the Bas/Underhållning package ?

    • Official Post

    Först så er detta den Nordiska sektion av forumet så går helt fint att skriva på de Nordiska språken.

    Dina Viasat kanler är parade så de fungerar bar i din nya CI+ module.

    Det händer inget med kortet och du behöver inte dina gamla CI moduler om du inte använder dom i flera mottagare då?

    Kortet kommer att fungera helt fint


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