Oscam randomly crashes

There are 8 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,294 times. The last Post () by s3n0.

  • Hi

    randomly one in the morning and evening channels do not clear then i try access the oscam web interface it comes up with page can not be displayed.

    I end up having to restart the softcam in info panel which then kicks starts the oscam, channels clear and web page is responsive

    any ideas? Much appreciated


  • i have an idea

    go back and see what box and image and oscam your using

    then ask the question again

    i have a question for you and you only

    my car wont start do you know whats wrong with it

    parabéns cr7 & moliveira88

    Μπρέντφορντ Φ.Σ

    RIP Vangelis Papathanassiou

  • Hello.

    Try, for example, the binary file Oscam, built by @juli13, from here: Oscam-EMU Mipsel & ARM (mipsoe20 or openpli40 or mips-emu-static-lib). Your set-top box contains a mips32el processor (so-called "mips" family), so use the binary for that processor.

    (1) ps | grep -i "oscam" ...or... ps aux | grep -i "oscam" - as first, find the name and location of your current Oscam binary file

    (2) /etc/init.d/softcam stop - stop current Oscam

    (3) Now, download the new binary from the internet and replace the original binary file on your set-top box (before it, I recommend to backup original binary file, e.g. renaming to "/usr/bin/oscam-emu-backup").

    (4) Copy the new binary to the original location (for example with the helping of FTP client in Total Commander).

    (5) chmod a+x /usr/bin/file_name - set the execution rights attribute for sure again

    (6) /etc/init.d/softcam start - start new Oscam

    You can try setting the oscam process priority for the CPU, to "nice = -1": http://www.streamboard.tv/wiki…en/Config/oscam.conf#nice

    You can also create a LOG file not only in TTY but in a file (logfile = /tmp/oscam.log "): http://www.streamboard.tv/wiki…Config/oscam.conf#logfile and then when crasnutí, look at the file to see if there will always be the same cause before Oscam freezes.

    Also, you didn't show the configuration of your Oscam (of course, with the deletion of private data - login name, password, IP address, etc.), so it's hard to advise you.

  • the last thing I did was ran via terminal:

    if ! /usr/bin/wget -qO- "http://192.168.14:83" > /dev/null; then /usr/bin/sh /etc/init.d/softcam restart; fi

    that you provided on the previous thread....and that's it

    since then its been okay but obviously all that script does it restarts the softcam if the oscam webinf is not responding - I have NOT set this as a cronjob....

    So I have no idea why its not freezing anymore all I can say its resolved itself which makes no sense...

    Thanks anyway for everything

  • I've read yet, I don't know exactly where, about the guy which had this similar problem. Oscam did not work when launched with the system. The whole Oscam had to be restarted immediately after starting the whole system. Then it always worked fine :). I don't remember where I read it here.

    The cause could be anything. For example, some drivers or libraries or access to an external drive - until they were booted up, Oscam didn't discover them and fooled around. It's hard to say what was going on there in this case of problems. Maybe the creation of the temporary system folder "/tmp" (usually as a "volatile" partition of RAM-disk) was delayed and maybe Oscam needed to work on it. It's really hard to say where the problem came from. Maybe the Oscam start should be moved via init.d sript to the last position ("/etc/rc3.d/S99softcam" instead of the example "/etc/rc3.d/S20softcam"). Or make a script that delays the launch of Oscam by one minute :).

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