OSCam r11576-798 is unresponsive until I manually restart the softcam on Zgemma H5.2TC Grogbuild OpenATV

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,159 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • I am trying to use your script but couldn't get it to work however found another script within the thread

    if ! ps -C oscam > /dev/null; then sh /etc/init.d/softcam restart; fi

    which I feel is ignoring the 'if' argument...and restarts the softcam anyway even though it doesn't need restarting...

    any ideas please? much appreciated.


    Edited once, last by Adam9117: Zgemma H5.2TC Grogbuild OpenATV OSCam r11576-798 ().

  • The "ps -C <process>" does not work on all Enigmas.

    For example, OpenPLi includes "ps" as part of the BusyBox and cannot handle the "-C" argument. OpenATV contains a full-fledged tool "ps" with a functional argument "-C".

    It depends on what exactly you want to test. Do you want to test whether the Oscam process is started? Or do you want to test if it's frozen? Or what exactly do you want to test?

    Fo example, you can to use "pidof" instead:

    if ! pidof oscam > /dev/null; then /bin/sh /etc/init.d/softcam restart; fi
  • I want it to restart the softcam only when the oscam has frozen - I tend to experience freezing of the oscam once in the morning and evening....

    I tried the code you mentioned above but it restarts the softcam even though its responding


  • In this case, it is not a freezing of the process. You probably have a problem with the Oscam configuration. The Oscam process itself works correctly.

    The channel decoding on your card may have frozen for an unknown reason. However, this belongs to a separate forum thread with a LOG record attached (which happens in Oscam Webif > LiveLog).

    If you really can't solve the problems with decoding channels under Oscam, then of course you can use some other methods to read the status of the reader in oscam-webif and based on the status of this reader it is also possible to restart this reader (using oscam-webif). You don't need to restart the whole Oscam process.

  • Not sure if I understand you...The reason why I say I think the oscam freezes is because when the channels do not clear and when I check the oscam-webif its unresponsive until I manually restart the softcam then everythings back to normal

  • Do you have a suitable Oscam for your set-top box ? Each Enigma, the Linux kernel including modules and libraries, each processor (architecture), may require a different Oscam.

    What set top box do you have and which Enigma ? Do you have the latest Oscam ? If the Oscam process freezes, it is a hardware or system error.

  • I am using

    Zgemma H5.2TC
    Grogbuild OpenATV
    OSCam r11576-798


    I doubt it is a hardware issue - most likely software or config issue as I have mentioned it to Grog but he's not come across it before.

    this is the first time using oscam due to changes were made was using mgcamd but doesn't work as good anymore

    This is why I was hoping a cronjob would check if oscam has frozen then would restart the softcam instead of manually restarting it.

  • Like I said ... I recommend starting a new topic with a new question. Your freeze is a device error (drivers, hardware, Oscam version, etc.).

    What source does your Oscam come from ? You can try another Oscam build from the internet for your mips32el CPU architecture on your device.

    I'm adding a shell-command to detect the active OscamWebif. If OscamWebif is not active, then Oscam restarts. However, in my opinion, this is not the solution to your problem ! You should find out why Oscam freezes in your receiver and solve the problem !

    /usr/bin/wget -qO- "http://USER:PASS@" > /dev/null; [ $? == 0 ] || /usr/bin/sh /etc/init.d/softcam restart

    ...or :

    if ! /usr/bin/wget -qO- "http://USER:PASS@" > /dev/null; then /usr/bin/sh /etc/init.d/softcam restart; fi

    If you do not use a password for OscamWebif, delete the USER:PASS@ section.

  • Excellent thanks mate will give that a go.

    recommendation accepted I will start a new thread and hopefully someone can help me in getting this resolved.

    Once again thank you for all your time and assistance

  • master G

    Changed the title of the thread from “OSCam is unresponsive until I manually restart the softcam” to “OSCam r11576-798 is unresponsive until I manually restart the softcam on Zgemma H5.2TC Grogbuild OpenATV”.

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