Catseye Support & Questions

There are 181 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 18,996 times. The last Post () by cazuela.

    • Official Post

    currently have openvix image & working fine here

    Cant understand why this continues to happen

    Your settings work fine after opening in DBedit which cleans the errors, i would just open each with this then save before releasing & the problems will be gone. I am using BH 2.0.3. all fine when transferred by DBedit.

    • Official Post

    Ten i got the same but not working still tried twice

    Possibly down to the previous install buddy, did you use DBedit?
    Here are the reported errors in the original file (full motor)

  • Forget that lol, twice i have tried & it still does the same. Would have another go but was threatened with no sex for a month if i kill the telly again so giving up on this for now.:laugh:

    You dont want to be doing that then thanks for giving it a try i tried ipkg tools but get and error installing it target file bla bla need to find another way round beer10

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