DVB Softcam plugin compile Raspberry (2)

  • How do?

    Raspbian latest image RPi2.

    Mplayer, VLC, Kaffeine and VDR installed. Kaffeine works with free DVB channels. But how do view pay channels?

    Kaffeine SC plugins need Qt3 and not accept Qt4 or 5. Qt3 libraries is conflict with other RPi images. Not possible compile and use SC with kaffeine. Is possible find somewhere kaffeine plugins source code for Qt5?

    VDR plugins (vdr-plugins-sc) no any info how do compile it for ARM. Source (FFdecsa) is writed for x86 protcessors and is not compatible for ARM. Source needs use another librari - "dvbcsa" (for VLC) and this library is installed. how do use another library for plugins?

    FFdecsa i find some errors. first must be changed makefile (both -march=armv7-a) and delete -mmx & sse - ARM not supported. Also changed PARALLEL_32-INT. Now gcc/g++ compiled, but many warning what bit shift more than 32 bit.

    Maybe is possible use dvbcsa library with VLC to watch payTV channels?

    Edited once, last by kalvis: I find some errors ().

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