EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,686 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • Riguardo alla mia domanda:"Con gemini GP4 immagine su Dreambox 7080 HD non scarica nulla Perché? "La tua risposta:"Segui il link Thread di supporto per l'importazione EPG ECCOLO SCRITTO!"

    No essendo in grado di capire dopo un altro tentativo con il tuo plugin non riuscito ho scaricato questo:"enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport_2.21.20201129_all.deb"

    insieme a "rytec.channels.xml "e a"rytec.sources.xml" nella cartella Epgimport : adesso va tutto bene.Su GP4 il tuo plugin non funziona

  • "La tua risposta:"Segui il link Thread di supporto per l'importazione EPG ECCOLO SCRITTO!"

    Dice che qui non ci sono indovini e sciamani e nessuno ti aiuterà senza il PLUG-IN JOURNAL

    Su GP4 il tuo plugin non funziona

    Cos'è GP4? Gemini project ? Controllato da me per - OpenDreamBox, NewNigma, Merlin etc.

    Non ho un SATtopBox con questa immagine da testare .... Ripeto, NO LOG - nessuno aiuterà

    insieme a "rytec.channels.xml "e a"rytec.sources.xml" nella cartella Epgimport : adesso va tutto bene

    Non riesco a controllare la funzionalità di tutte le fonti in sources.xml che ci sono, questi sono file e impostazioni utente - e questa è la "preoccupazione" degli utenti

  • friends please for what we have forum rules


    Any other language is permitted only in international sub forum and in the specific sections


    The posts in the main forum must be in English, otherwise the posts will be deleted without any comment


    Thanks for your understanding and cooperation

  • Too bad you don't download anything. Try multiple versions, including the latest.

    Also tried version 1.8.1, but the result is the same,

    Learn to describe in DETAILS the problem you are having, and not be limited to general phrases about how nothing works. Who and how can guess which image you are using? Who can guess what EPG sources you are using? Who prevents you from using the functionality of obtaining a log in the plugin?

    The plugin modification has been downloaded more than a hundred times, not counting this forum, ANY flaws found related to the plugin code are instantly fixed after receiving the log and a detailed description of the problem. But if the error is in the user's misunderstanding of how it works and how to use it, then what does the plugin code have to do with it?

    You either stop unsubstantiated spam or describe in detail and clearly the essence of your problem!

    p.s. I personally use and test this version on DM900UHD and VU+Ultimo4K on Opendreambox, OpenBH 4.4/5.0, OpenPli 7.3/8.1, OpenATV 6.4/7.0, PKT and Pure2 images - and have no problems

  • epg.dat and epgimport.

    epg.dat - this is the file where the EPG of the image you use is stored. This file is required. It is automatically generated by the system

    epgimport/epgimport.gz/epgimport.xz - this is a temporary file(s) created by the plugin. It is automatically created and deleted by the plugin and is only present when you import EPG data. If for some reason you still have it, for example, a plugin crash, power failure, etc. , then it can be removed

    • Official Post

    If it's DreamOS (OpenDreambox) image you are using? Then there is no epg.dat file.

    Epg file in all DreamOS based images use epg.db extension.

    File can be found in /etc/enigma2/

    So if you need to clear your epg.db file if it has been corrupted you have to do it manual with this plugin

    rn -f /etc/enigma2/epg.db
  • So if you need to clear your epg.db file if it has been corrupted you have to do it manual with this plugin

    Everything is easier. If you need to clear the EPG, then regardless of the "platform" used, it is enough to set "Clear EPG before import" in the EPGImport settings. This setting will clear both the eEPGCache and create a new EPG storage file. Simply deleting the EPG storage file will - delete the file, but not clear the eEPGCache.

    File can be found in /etc/enigma2/

    Yes and no ... The EPG storage file will be located where specified in the EPG settings of the image you are using. The default locations are /etc/enigma2, /hdd ....etc.

    p.s. It should also be understood that the EPG is stored in the eEPGCache "object" and, under certain conditions, is reset/read into the storage file. Take a close look at, for example, the start or shutdown log of any Enigma2 image, regardless of the "platform" used. Therefore, deleting the EPG storage file does not clear the EPG

    • Official Post

    I want go into any discussion about this. I just shared some infomation

    When ever DreamOS does not find the epg.db file eEPGCache is automatic cleared and a new epg.db file is created.

    But I have not looked into your modification of EPG Import for DreamOS and how you have solved this.

    But just empty the eEPGCache want solve a broken epg.db file.

    It will only restore the broken data back into the eEPGCache.

    • Official Post

    This is not my EPGImport plugin. But the saving with Bluebutton should work just fine even if it's not showing.

    Just press the Bluebutton and se in your tmp folder if there is a log file created

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