EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,913 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • dreambox 920

    gemini experimental oe 2.5 image

  • gemini experimental oe 2.5 image

    I am aware of this problem. How to solve it is not yet clear. It occurs only when you have a cable connected from the antenna to the tuner. For the sake of the experiment, unplug the cable and try importing the data again. Everything will work as it should. This problem is observed only on DreamOS. The DVB tuner board in my DM800UHD burned out and I can not repeat this problem on my DM800. I, in the near future, will try to buy a new DVB board, repeat this bug and fix it

  • hi

    1 Plaese see crash log during downloading epg -openboxfan whole.

    test it 3 times - 3 logs attched


    EPG Import - EPG day - cannot setup over 10day - is max.

    also is matter what is setup (how many days in pluging) because EPG get this (days) from setup in EPG image

    ist meaning - if "EPG setup in image " is for 8 days - will be downloding EPG for 8 days. even setup in "EPG - plugin" are for 2 days

    for this not exist any log

    VU zer4k - image OATV 6.4 - from 25-01-22 . only installed epg import mod itself, without basic epg import plugin.

  • Plaese see crash log during downloading epg -openboxfan whole.

    There is not a single hint of openboxfan in any of the nested logs

    EPG Import - EPG day - cannot setup over 10day - is max.

    Yes limited to 10 days maximum ..... But this limitation in no way relates to the number of days in advance for imported events from the target XMLTV .... This is a limit on the number of days for downloading long descriptions of programs in imported events .... Just to save RAM

  • There is not a single hint of openboxfan in any of the nested logs

    Yes limited to 10 days maximum ..... But this limitation in no way relates to the number of days in advance for imported events from the target XMLTV .... This is a limit on the number of days for downloading long descriptions of programs in imported events .... Just to save RAM

    log - just reported what happening ( not clue what say log)- thinking you would like to know ....

    will make full debug enigma log latter

    regarding 10 days in plugin : done test

    a - setup "load long description up to X days "- for 10 days

    a1 - setup 2 days (in EPG image) and did download EPG for 2 days.

    a2 - change setup (in EPG image) for 14 days - get downloded for 14 day

    for my point of view "setup - load long description up to X days" do nothing in my STB - not understand when will be work

    if setup is just for 10 day max - sholud say up to 10 days insted X days - would confuse users to tray change over 10 days w

  • a1 - setup 2 days (in EPG image) and did download EPG for 2 days.

    a2 - change setup (in EPG image) for 14 days - get downloded for 14 day

    This is not the functionality of this plugin. This is the functionality of the image used.

    The function of this plugin ends with eEPEGCache.importEvents(events) ... Everything related to the depth or distance of displaying events is the eEPEGCache functionality of the image used.

    would confuse users to tray change over 10 days

    In order to allow more days to select, I need to make changes to the code or make these changes yourself by setting the desired "range" in plugin.py

    config.plugins.epgimport.longDescDays = ConfigInteger(5, limits=(0, 10))
  • repeat issue again but strugle

    I can not repeat the described situation on my VU + Ultimo 4K. Everything is imported. No spontaneous reboots. Maybe it's the image you're using. I will try to install OpenATV 6.4 later and check there

  • I can not repeat the described situation on my VU + Ultimo 4K. Everything is imported. No spontaneous reboots. Maybe it's the image you're using. I will try to install OpenATV 6.4 later and check there

    on first picture : choose Bce 4W no 90E - please test with them- this make reboot zero4k - like on .log afeter above 100 000 event downloding

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

    Edited 2 times, last by sarsan ().

  • I will try to install OpenATV 6.4 later and check there

    This problem occurs only on OpenATV 6.4 and only with xml-sources from R.Rusya. I managed to repeat it. It remains only to understand what is wrong with xml sources and what exactly OpenATV 6.4 "does not like" in it, this is not a plugin code issue. Original EPGImport with feed OpenATV 6.4 - also refuses to work with sources from R.Rusya

    OpenATV 6.4 log

    11:23:12.9740 bsod.cpp:402 print_backtrace Backtrace:
    11:23:12.9742 bsod.cpp:410 print_backtrace enigma2(_Z17handleFatalSignaliP9siginfo_tPv) [0x92A8C]
    11:23:12.9743 bsod.cpp:410 print_backtrace /lib/libc.so.6(__default_rt_sa_restorer) [0xB60CD8F0]
    free(): invalid pointer
    Segmentation fault
  • free(): invalid pointer Segmentation fault

    This is a C code error in epgcache.cpp in the OpenATV image. It is guaranteed to occur with any XMLTV on a given image under certain conditions. I will add a "crutch" to the EPGImport code that will prevent such scenarios. Actually, I have already added it and I'm testing it. So far everything is OK

  • ok..might test plugin in diference image, any advice? with one is your favorit

    Test where it didn't work for you and with the same xmltv sources :winking face: ... Where did you "fail"? On OpenATV 6.4? Check it there... For the rest - how it worked, it works

    p.s. a little fix to catch up)) download 1.8.4 if you managed to download before 17:00 GMT

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