EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,581 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • latest version (from this forum) installed, make download "vse 4W to 90E)

    Segmentation fault

    process downloading stopped, enigma restart itself ( that error was before - in othet version of plugin)

    would like to send you log, but tmp file is empty after restarting enigma - please create funkction "make log every time when epg import get start" on HDD or somewhere else but not in the tmp folder

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • I have the error in the screenshot.

    This error has nothing to do with zx archives or prerequisite packages. I seem to have fixed it, and updated the packages on the appropriate forum thread. If not - I gave you EPGConfig.py - replace and this error will not be

  • I am totally new here and am using EPGImport since ages. Using now the new one which is much faster. It works fine importing a XML from E2m3u2bouquet.


    Only are systemctl restart enigma2 or reboot helps to exit the frozen EPGImport screen.

    Image: DreamOS 4.3.3r3-2021-10-29 Experimental

    Plugin: EPGImport 1.86 Dorik 1972

    I have now this when I want to import my old lists:

    Thread 388 = /usr/bin/enigma2 and 622 is unknown.

    I hope that I have the right Plugin and that I am in the tread about it.

    Update: I get now also crash logs, and this are extracts from it.

    Edited 2 times, last by msatter: Extra crash information ().

  • Please can you update the language modules SK and CZ from the attachment?

    With all the desire ... the code is not available to me at the moment. I here in between fights. "Relax" the brain no more ... You can "throw" the locales to directories yourself and rebuild deb/ipk or be patient for a while when I get the opportunity

  • hei hei...

    is anyone here telling me how to uninstall this plugin?

    i get the error message (see log) every time no matter if i want to uninstall it or if i want to install another plugin...

    DM900, Merlin-image...


    Edited once, last by luigi13 ().

  • it's your thread / plugin pepsik...

    "the code is not available to me at the moment"

    but if you do not feel able to give support then please let the funny comments concerning boardmembers who wants to help be...

    i am not the only one finding your answers very awkward...

    thank you...

  • i am not the only one finding your answers very awkward...

    Personally, I don’t owe you anything ... How would I explain to you in order to decently. It's hard enough to maintain a plugin or provide advice under bombing and shelling in Kyiv, periodically leaving for combat missions

    p.s. And personally, I don't give a damn if my "very awkward answers" are for you or not ... Moreover, the question about "attachment"

    was not for you

  • I have tested now which version works with the current Rytec EPG and that is 1.6. Later versions trows the error stated in my previous posting here.

    RE: EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

    dm920 enigma2[388]: FATAL!: addTimer must be called from thread 388 but is called from thread 622

    Update: thinking about what is different I taught about that in later files links are present to Picons. When I try to read a XML file with Picon links in there then the 1.6 version just ignore all and import is made.

    Edited 2 times, last by msatter ().

  • hi I removed all native epg extensions installed, rebooted, but continue don't let me install it.

    I also tried from the terminal, but it doesn't go the same:

    opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-EPGImport-mod-dorik1972_1.8.6_all.ipk


    Edited once, last by wifi75 ().

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