EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,597 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • I found back the tread about EpgImport and I already posted this in an other forum.

    Version 1.89 on a dreambox

    uname -a

    Linux dm7080 3.4-4.0-dm7080 #1 SMP Fri Feb 9 15:16:04 UTC 2018 mips mips mips GNU/Linux

    I have a working 1.84 and this is holding me back to update to a later version of EPGimport. Using 1.89 there is noting added to the database.


  • Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] not connected, retrying

    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db exists

    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] connect to /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db failed

    All I can do for with such a log of the system kernel is NOT to import the EPG or "knock" a number of times trying to connect to the target SQL file and in case of failure - refuse to import events .... There is no other option.

  • Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] not connected, retrying

    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db exists

    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] connect to /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db failed

    All I can do for with such a log of the system kernel is NOT to import the EPG or "knock" a number of times trying to connect to the target SQL file and in case of failure - refuse to import events .... There is no other option.

    Thanks and I use now version 1.90 and changed the timeout from 20 to 150 in epgdb.py and it then connects, but still receiving that exception:

    Edited once, last by msatter ().

  • If there is a desire and need for users, I can add support for importing EPG in JTV format with detailed examples at ***.sources.xml and ***.cahnnels.xml... By analogy, as was done for the e2m3u2bouquet plugin

    sound is good. fo me yes

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

    Edited once, last by sarsan ().

  • Aug 26 22:32:53 dm7080 enigma2[1139]: [EPGImport] ### importEvents exception: NameError("global name 'connection' is not defined",

    [27/08/2022 GMT 6:00] Fixed "connection" error for DreamOS based images ... Redownload ... --force-reinstall

    Tested the updated version of 1.90 and it works. Connecting to the database without changing the timeout and the exception is also gone.

    Many thanks!

  • please find attached working ver 1.6 and the last ver not working.

    I don't need my sources, and even more so those that are NOT responsible for importing events into the SQL database in any way ... For everything that does not work, freezes, e.t.c - there is a log.

    Dear My friend,

    thank you for you reply , we are trying to find way to make it work with my dream DM920.

    There is no log for epgimprt when freeze.

    As I wrote before the last ver was working with my DM920 was ver 1.6 after that all ver working only with VU+ and not working with my dream and start to freeze when I press press yellow bottom ( manual import ), I have traced to find the pb and finally found it

    The original line at ver 1.9 and is not working and freeze the dream box when press yellow bottom ( manual import ) if “” twisted.python.runtime.platform.supportsThreads(): “”

    And this amended line and working and not freeze “”” if twisted.python.runtime.platform.supportsThreads() and not isDreamOS: “”” this modification make the dream not freeze ( .

    please find attached orignal file make DM freeze and amended file that work without freeze with DM.

    please find also screen shoot you can see the comparison between the two files.

    now after finsh the freeze pb i faced new prob the epgimort does not iport and epg for any channels for DM920 ( log is attached)

    thank you in advance.


  • I can confirm that and not isDreamOS is allowing to import the Rytec resources again. Before the Dreambox restarted Enigma2.

    Thanks iet8 for sharing this.

    This afternoon al work fine during import but now it can't connect to the database again and I set the time 10 and 20 to 150 to no avail:

    Edited 2 times, last by msatter ().

  • Dear My friend,

    1) The system log can ALWAYS be obtained

    2) What you "attached" in the picture is a VERY bad decision. I deliberately removed this condition. DreamOS - Supports twisted.Thread. You can see this by looking at the source code for running the Enigma2 framework in file enigma.py

    3) By adding this condition, the time of importing events from XMLTV increases many...many... times, which is not good

    4) I am GREATLY familiar with the problem, but there is NO way I can test it on my DM900HD. I have written about this many times in this thread - try "search" in the up-right corner by entering "twisted.thread" there

    Thus, changing the "if" condition as in the picture is not a solution to the problem ... it is a "crutch" ...

    p.s. There is an e2m3u2bouquet plugin I wrote for converting m3u to bouquets and EPG bindings ... It uses exactly the same 1:1 code as in EPGImport ... and the twisted.thread problem does not arise on DreamOS images ... So the "crutch" should be looked for elsewhere ))))

  • it can't connect to the database again

    You deliberately moved epg.db to external media. Most likely by creating a symlink. Return the epg.db file to its default location and check. In your log messages like

    Aug 27 22:10:53 dm7080 enigma2[291]: [EPGDB] not connected, retrying

    Aug 27 22:10:53 dm7080 enigma2[291]: [EPGDB] /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db exists

    Aug 27 22:10:53 dm7080 enigma2[291]: [EPGDB] connect to /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db failed

    Aug 27 22:11:50 dm7080 enigma2[291]: [EPGC] cleanupOutdated

    They are not related to the plugin. This is the core log of your image C-code (/lib/dvb/epgcache.cpp). Those, the plugin gives a command to connect to the SQL database (epg.db) and this is a standard command. But your image - is not doing it. Why? This is not a plugin issue. For the purity of the experiment, return the epg.db file back to flash memory in /etc/enigma2

  • @iet8


    Moreover, on DreamOS there is a problem with 'malformed database' ... This is due to the fact that some DreamOS images use libsqlite3 of earlier versions than the same library in python on the same image..... I'll try to explain how it works in terms of code

    We take on a python and do it like this

    from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
    connection = sqlite.connect(some_file_DB, timeout=20, isolation_level='DEFERRED', check_same_thread=False)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = EXTRA")
    cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL")

    This will work great. We will connect to the SQL database with the given parameters, in particular

    PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL

    BUT! If libsqlite3 (C-library) in the image you are using will have versions < 3.7 - we are guaranteed to get 'malformed database' after reboot GUI ..... because WALL appeared in sqlite versions >=3.7 .... Why and who prevents the authors of images on DreamOS from maintaining the "freshness" of libraries? Why are almost all the Python libraries that are in DreamOS images 10-12 years old? What's the catch ? What's the point if the libsqlite3 C library used by the image's C code and the same Python library for the same image have different functionality due to huge version differences?

  • Thanks for looking into to this and it seems that it can't resolved for now and I have reverted to 1.84 already. I can also now import Rytec and other files now twisted is being disabled on DreamOS. Thanks to iet8 for suggesting this.

    The current location of the epg.db is not a symlink. From settings: config.misc.epgcache_filename=/media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db

    Dreambox development is very unreliable and they seems to work on a universal version for One, Two and Seven. Having a 7080 and 920 I have to do with the breadcrumbs they throw. Getting a malformed epg.db is known on the Dreambox when you start extra imports after an earlier import. I did not notice that lately.

    I was using three different EPG importers (EPGload, EPGimport, OpenIPG) and now due to iet8 I can use EPGimport 1.84 again to do that in one go. Maybe even go to version 1.87

  • and i press the yellow button, my dm920 always freezing :(


    My friend , I would like to thank you for your help and efforts, our goal is same, we need to make epgimport work with DM920 ( i have tried many images always freeze ).

    after freeazing the only way is power off and power on again , when the receiver up, i went to epgimport plugin and try show the log and save it , i found useless date , file is attached ., - also the image log is zero k

    can you help and tell me how can i get log when receive is freeze

    by the way e2m3u2bouquet plugin is working with DM920 without any pb


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