EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread

There are 446 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 55,803 times. The last Post () by Panda555.

  • can you help and tell me how can i get log when receive is freeze

    init 4; ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=6 enigma2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log.txt

    Thank you my friend for reply , i have tried to make log using "" init 4; ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=6 enigma2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log.txt " but failed and gave me message server closed and nothing happen , i try to remove init 4 and using this command """" ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=6 enigma2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log.txt "" and it successfully made the log , please find attached the log


  • i have tried to make log

    init 4
    ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=6 enigma2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/log.txt

    please find attached the log

    What should I see there? Where is "pressing the yellow button" and "freezing"?

    It ?

    gPixmap: Failed to access '/usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/icons/expanded.png': No such file or directory

    So here is a piece of code that is responsible for the fact that if your skin does not have an "image" - expandable.png , then it will be taken from the images folder of the plugin

    expandableIcon = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_SKIN, "skin_default/icons/expandable.png"))                                                          
    expandedIcon = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_SKIN, "skin_default/icons/expanded.png"))                                                              
    if not (expandableIcon or expandedIcon):                                                                                                                       
            expandableIcon = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/%s/images/expandable.png" % PluginLanguageDomain))                       
            expandedIcon = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/%s/images/expanded.png" % PluginLanguageDomain)) 

    Where and when did it "freeze" How can I repeat this? Everything works for me without problems.

  • pepsik I think you are looking for this. And I use 1.87 and enabled twisted thread again by removing the detection for DreamOS.

    Pressing Yellow button and selecting a Rytec source.

    FATAL!: addTimer must be called from thread 7313 but is called from thread 7489

    I remember writing about this earlier but I don't know if it was in this forum.

    And indeed the Dreambox freezes completely and I can only restart by issuing a reboot from the prompt or switch off the power.

    The whole log that was lost during reboot.

    Edited 4 times, last by msatter: Log update with earlier events. ().

  • pepsik Then you have to wait for iet8 for his log. This is what I got creating the log with the by you suggested command and pressing the yellow button to import a Rytec file.

    This is on my 7080 and in March this year I was testing it on my 920. Both have Gemini installed and are on the latest firmware's available from Dream Multimedia. Then it was with switching to the 1.6 version of EPGimport.

    Iets8 has solved this exact problem by disabling Twisted and when I use it I can import any file. Above 1.87 I get problems with connecting to epg.db so I keep using 1.87 with DreamOS adaptation to disable Twisted.

    I am perfectly happy now and as written before I can do away of two plug-ins of three. Just using the adapted EPGimport 1.87 version.

    Edited once, last by msatter ().

  • I did not know that.

    Then better to reach the finish using cruthes the run half way in a sinkhole, being the Dreambox freezing.

    This is the case since version 1.6 of EPGimport and I am atleast pleased that I can now again import Rytec sources also with EPGimport.

    That you can't reproduce the problem with Twisted I can't help. I can only show what I see up to version 1.87 brcause after that I get connection problems wit the database. And the new logging options are so unreachable for me.

    I tried the latest version of EPGimport (1.91), not connecting to epg.db as expected. Tested importing Rytec and it did not freeze but Enigma2 restarted. This was only one try and I will try again later or tomorrow.

    I tested it with logging and it the box locks up running 1.91. Maybe a interesting bit of and here I see a file called /etc/enigma2/__test.db . I do not use EPGimport on startup and only start it manually.

    Edited 5 times, last by msatter: Tested 1.91 ().

    • Official Post

    msatter If you got a crash sending Enigma2 into a restart you have proper crashlog in your folder /media/hdd/

    Also logging in a DreamOS image is also done with journalctl and not the old style suggested here.

    journalctl -f > /tmp/debug.log
    End loggin with CTRL+C
  • Also logging in a DreamOS image is also done with journalctl and not the old style suggested here.

    journalctl -f > /tmp/debug.log
    End loggin with CTRL+C

    Thanks seagen, there is a difference. When I use that command (init 4;eng...) then pressing the yellow button freezes the box. When I journal what I normally use it will restart Engima2

    Edited once, last by msatter ().

  • Buring midnight oil overhere testing different options.

    Now importing (1.91) does not give an error anymore of connecting to the database. This is not with a Rytec source but a IPTV source. Tomorrow I will try again if it will still connect to epg.db

    So why it works one time and on a other moment it will not work is a mystery to me. I am going to continue tomorrow.

  • I can't help.

    How? Logs? So I have them. There is no way to understand why you and some other users are getting this error.

    FATAL!: addTimer must be called from thread 7313 but is called from thread 7489

    I never had it. Before posting the changes, I tested it on various sources in different versions on my DM900HD - I have no problems

  • And I am not understanding why you don't get the same error like I and others do. As you wrote earlier a time ago you tested it with disabling Twisted and that avoided the restart/freezing.

    What about doing us our a favor and disable Twisted when DreamOS is detected.

    Furtermore the freezing/restart only occurs only when using the older Rytec sources. When I use IPTV sources (one file) then Twisted is no problem.

  • And I am not understanding why you don't get the same error like I and others do. As you wrote earlier a time ago you tested it with disabling Twisted and that avoided the restart/freezing.

    What about doing us our a favor and disable Twisted when DreamOS is detected.

    Furtermore the freezing/restart only occurs only when using the older Rytec sources. When I use IPTV sources (one file) then Twisted is no problem.

    Good day my friend,

    also me , i am not using Rytec sources - i can suggest if it is easy to make option button to disable or enable Twisted.


  • iet8 That is as broad as having it in the code. The Rytec sources are included in the EPGimport plug-in. What I see in the sources.xml is an mapping and I will try later with that removed in that file. And see if that helps.

    pepsik I wrote earlier about one file which contains the aliases and EPG info.

    Next day import after having the Dreambox off during the night.

    Aug 29 10:23:28 dm7080 enigma2[281]: [EPGDB] /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db exists

    Aug 29 10:23:28 dm7080 enigma2[281]: [EPGDB] FOUND EPGImport EPG with source_id 5

    Aug 29 10:23:28 dm7080 enigma2[281]: [EPGDB] connect to /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db finished

    It connects to the database and let's hope it will be doing that also in the future. Running unmodified 1.91

    Update: removing mappings in sources.xml made no difference. Enigma2 is restarted.

    Edited 2 times, last by msatter ().

  • So why it works one time and on a other moment it will not work is a mystery to me.

    Nothing mystical ... I seem to have achieved the same result as yours in terms of not connecting to the DB ... You have the "slider" - "Clear the current EPG before importing" enabled

    if it is easy to make option button to disable or enable Twisted.

    I will not do "crutches" ... It is necessary to find the cause of the disease and "cure", and not do "artificial respiration"

  • Going to test that and now it working I have the slider "Clear the current EPG before importing" not enabled. I had it for testing enabled yesterday while testing the Rytec sources.

    I knew I would get that answer from you, but I had to try you see, helping also others. I know where to put a crutch in to the works and make it work for me. As said before I am perfectly fine by walking on crutches instead of going into the freezer or being restarted and kept left empty handed. :cowboy hat face:

    If you can solve that problem by only logs, not being able to reproduce it on your own Dreambox, then we can leave this behind us the problem that plagued some since version 1.6 of EPGimport.

  • Code
    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] not connected, retrying
    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db exists
    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] connect to /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db failed

    FIXED ! ....

    p.s. Trying to find a "hole" with

    FATAL!: addTimer must be called from thread 7313 but is called from thread 7489

    :exploding head:

  • Code
    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] not connected, retrying
    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db exists
    Aug 24 11:48:42 dm7080 enigma2[290]: [EPGDB] connect to /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db failed

    FIXED ! ....

    p.s. Trying to find a "hole" with

    FATAL!: addTimer must be called from thread 7313 but is called from thread 7489

    :exploding head:

    Thanks for fixing that. I just tried enabling the clearing the EPG database switch (1.91) but file was not recreated as an 23KB file. The journal states that it is recreated. Maybe that it has to be done after the EPGC dumps the current database. :winking face:

     Aug 29 11:13:29 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGImport] Oudeis patch not detected, using eEPGCache.load
    Aug 29 11:13:29 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGDB] create empty /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db
    Aug 29 11:13:29 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGImport] EPG database located at /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db
    Aug 29 11:13:29 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGImport] Save the EPGchache to database file /media/SanDisk240GB/XMLTV-EPG/epg.db ...
    Aug 29 11:13:29 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGC] db thread stopped
    Aug 29 11:13:30 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGC] Saving database from memory
    Aug 29 11:13:39 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGC] db thread started
    Aug 29 11:13:39 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGC] start caching events(1661764419)
    Aug 29 11:13:39 dm7080 enigma2[1267]: [EPGImport] EPGCache save finished

    I don't know what Twisted does and it looks to me be something asynchronous. I only know it crashes with on certain lists on a Dreambox. I don't know if more modern Dreamboxes like the one, two and seven (in the pipeline) are not having that problem having a current Python.

    Edited once, last by msatter ().

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