[Plugin] JellyfinDream-Server DreamOS-DEB

  • JellyfinDreamServer Plugin

    Jellyfin server plugin for Dreambox One, Two and 9xx.


    After installation, the Jellyfin server still needs to be installed.

    Use the blue button for this, the current stable version will then be offered.


    Now you can install the offered version with OK.


    If you install an update for the Jellyfin Server, the old version will be saved as a backup, so you could go back one version in case there are problems with a new version.

    If there is a backup, the red button will be assigned the backup restore function

    The info button has 2 functions, when the Jellyfin server is active you get information about the server.

    After starting the server, it can take 4 to 10 seconds for the information to be displayed.


    You will also see the URL here, which you then have to call up for configuration.


    If the Jellyfin server is not active, you will receive information about the plugin.


    The server itself is installed in /data/jellyfin-server.

    If a backup is created then you will find another folder in /data called jellyfin-server_backup.

    When installing an update, your settings will be applied, nothing needs to be considered here.


    You have to make sure that you don't overfill your internal memory, I would advise you to outsource all data to a hard drive.

    I have set up the DM920 as a server and client for this purpose, you are welcome to do this, but you can also choose the folders freely:

    - Mounted a disk as /media/hdd

    - A folder created with /media/hdd/jellyfin

    - Created the following sub folders:

    1. /media/hdd/jellyfin/Jellyfin-data
    2. /media/hdd/jellyfin/Jellyfin-data/Cache
    3. media/hdd/jellyfin/Jellyfin-data/Metadata
    4. /media/hdd/jellyfin/transcodes

    In /media/hdd/jellyfin/Media here I created my movie folder and series folder.

    Now you can adjust the settings in the browser and all data will then be swapped out.

    6f3af52fb137f4a6c4da.png  aa1f8b683ed.png

    In /media/hdd/jellyfin/Media here I created my movie folder and series folder.

    Now you can adjust the settings in the browser and all data will then be swapped out.

    Now back to transcoding, it only works with a current ffmpeg version, there is currently no current version on the feeds. But the ffmpeg version is sufficient to be able to stream a live stream.

    As a test, I tested a current ffmpeg version on the 920 and Two.

    It works for both, but here you would have to increase the buffer a bit, otherwise there will be dropouts.

    But we actually only use a direct stream or a live stream, which works well with both boxes.

    So you could use the server and then EmbyDream-DEB or EmbyDream-IPK as a client plugin :)

    Here is then used as IP and select direct play in EmbyDream.

    Installation for OE2.5 and OE2.6:

    For those who have already installed PlexDream or EmbyDream from the new feed via the wget installer,

    JellyfinDream should already appear in the add-on browser.

    If not, run an apt-get update from the console.

    The plugin can be installed with Installer (updateable ;)):

    wget http://plugins.boxpirates.dynvpn.de/jellyfindream-dreamos-installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh

    In case of problems, please report.

    Have fun with it :)

  • murxer

    Changed the title of the thread from “[Plugin] JellyfinDream-Server” to “[Plugin] JellyfinDream-Server DreamOS-DEB”.

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