Webinterface:Frequent config changes breaks binary

There are 17 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 787 times. The last Post () by ddinc.

    • Official Post

    Frequent config changes made through the webinterface corrupts oscam binary file.

    What makes you think the binary is corrupt and not something else? How come the saved copy isn`t corrupt now as well?

    Have you checked if there is duplicate (.bak) oscam config files?

    Your oscam log shows configs in /var/tuxbox/config, but should be /etc/tuxbox/config. Do you have configs in both these locations?

    Does your start/stop script try to start the binary or configs in another location rather than default?

    Does your softcam manager try to start the binary or configs in another location rather than default?

    Stop using the webinterface to make edits or restarting oscam.

    Do away with the start/stop script, manually edit the configs with an FTP tool and restart oscam with telnet. Then all your problems with disappear.

  • What makes you think the binary is corrupt and not something else? How come the saved copy isn`t corrupt now as well?

    Because there was a difference of 2-3 kb between them and sistem run with the original

    Have you checked if there is duplicate (.bak) oscam config files?

    Yes there were and have deleted them with your hint

    Your oscam log shows configs in /var/tuxbox/config, but should be /etc/tuxbox/config. Do you have configs in both these locations?

    Yes.Unfortunately if I delete one of them oscam does not work.

    If I don’t edit he config file through webinterface I have to edit them both.....although under “oscam version”=

    Unix starttime: 1652967014

    Starttime: 19.05.2022 16:30:14

    Version: oscam-1.20_svn-r11711

    Compiler: arm-newnigma2-linux-gnueabihf-ssl

    Box type: dm920 (generic)

    PID: 1394

    TempDir: /tmp/.oscam

    GBox tmp_dir: not defined using: /tmp/.oscam

    ConfigDir: /var/tuxbox/config/

    WebifPort: 8888

    Does your start/stop script try to start the binary or configs in another location rather than default?

    I use the boxpirates plugin(softcam manager),don’t know where it starts

    Does your softcam manager try to start the binary or configs in another location rather than default?

    ?? I have a oscam_1711.service file in /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants (is attached)

    Stop using the webinterface to make edits or restarting oscam.


    Have this file also in /lib/systemd/system

    Edited once, last by ddinc ().

  • Hi ddinc in the boxpirates board you wrote yesterday everything is now running as it should.

    The boxpirates CamManager uses the configs from /var/tuxbox/config That's right.

    die Cam Startscripte werden beim BP CamManager im Verzeichnis "usr/script/bp_script/"abgelegt

    The cam start scripts are stored in the directory "usr/script/bp_script/" at BP CamManager

    Please tell us what exactly you are up to.

    Either you use the BP CamManager or make your own via systemd

  • Yes.It was ok for a while than problems again.

    As I stated before the same config is in etc/tuxbox also.

    If I delete it oscam is also dead.

    Yesterday I had reinstalled from the plugin.

    Actually I have been using the plugin since couple of years without any glitches.

    If I stop with" systemctl stop oscam_11711" does not restart automatically

    Edited once, last by ddinc ().

  • Ok, if you now want to use the boxpirates CamManager.

    Look at /lib/systemd/system and Delete your oscsam_service

    If configs are in /etc/tuxbox, they do not come from boxpirates. You then created them yourself. Can you also delete.

    If there are other cam managers on the box, delete all.

    • Official Post

    deleted etc/tuxbox/config BUT after reboot I have to start oscam manually

    The default newnigma2 softcam manager should be starting on boot. Check how you`ve configured it.

    I mean it does not restart also when stopped without my intervention

    There are too many variables in your setup for us to pinpoint the exact problem.

    Running the default softcam manager, BoxPirates CamManager, duplicate .bak configs and config locations, custom start/stop and check scripts are all overload and complicating things.

    Start with the basic default softcam manager and nothing else. Its configured to use configs in /var/tuxbox/config

    If its now working, break it by adding in everything else again.

  • Okay, then take a look before you reinstall the cam manager.

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