Oscam Skin - Oscam picons - Total Commander Oscam

There are 13 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,936 times. The last Post () by s3n0.

  • this is my skin for oscam

    in zip file , picons for oscam , and Totalcommander help



    httpport = 22223

    httpcss = /usr/keys/OscamStyleTpl/kitte888_24.css

    httptpl = /usr/keys/OscamStyleTpl

    httppiconpath = /usr/keys/OscamStyle/picons

    httphelplang = de

    http_prepend_embedded_css = 1

    httprefresh = 2

    httppollrefresh = 7

    httpshowpicons = 1

    httppiconsize = 40

    httpshowuserinfo = 1

    httpshowreaderinfo = 1

    httpallowed =,

    aulow = 120

    hideclient_to = 10

    http_status_log = 1


    in config - Webif Pfad anlegen wo es gespeichert werden soll

    Http Tpl /usr/keys/OscamStyleTpl/




    httpport = 22223

    die datei ICxxx.tpl sind die icons die kann man austauschen


    in der oscam.conf section webif deine skin.tpl eintragen

    wird beim saven wieder gelöscht und dann geht es nicht mehr

    mit STRG F5 umschalten der Oberfläche

    httpcss = /usr/keys/OscamStyle/Atze.css


    zum verwenden der Sender Picons in der Oscam

    in der oscam.conf section webif deine skin.tpl eintragen


    enter your skin.tpl in the oscam.conf section webif

    is deleted again when saving and then it no longer works

    use CTRL F5 to switch the interface

    httpcss = /usr/keys/OscamStyle/Atze.css

    ************************************************** *************************
    to use the transmitter Picons in the Oscam

    enter your skin.tpl in the oscam.conf section webif

    httppiconpath = /usr/keys/OscamStyle

    ************************************************** **************************
    For User , Reader use picons
    tpl must have this name IC_Jens.tpl for my reader Jens
    same is with a user

    ************************************************** **************************

    httppiconpath = /usr/keys/OscamStyle


    Für User , Reader picons verwenden

    tpl muss diesen namen haben IC_Jens.tpl für meine Reader Jens

    selbe ist mit einem User


  • hi

    again, you can use my skin so the appearance of the oscam in the webif also with other cams

    So if someone has an oscam for IT, he can build the skin there too

    install it in oscam.conf and create the folders

    mit CTRL F5 ein/aus , on/off

    httpcss = /etc/tuxbox/config/OscamStyleTpl/kitte888_24.css

    httptpl = /etc/tuxbox/config/OscamStyleTpl

    httppiconpath = /etc/tuxbox/config/OscamStyleTpl/picons

  • Well done :clapping hands:

    what about picon, folder are empty

    how can get suitable picons

    and can you explain more about control font and color on skin

    Now all connected servers are blue, can control different color for fastest one opened ch.


    **************************** update 1

    ok Thanks i got it from here ....

    how can get another sat picon

    **************************** update 2

    find awesome script by @s3n0 update all the picon to tpl from here

    **************************** update 3

    i have now 25,494 converted picon to tpl in right path but it not displayed on webif, what i miss ?


  • You can change colors and writing, but that's not exactly the case

    Look here

    in your picture the channel picons are there

    you also need an oscam.srvid or srvid2

    CSS.tpl in oscam-template/Envi_template/trunk – OSCam

  • You can change colors and writing, but that's not exactly the case

    Look here

    in your picture the channel picons are there

    you also need an oscam.srvid or srvid2

    CSS.tpl in oscam-template/Envi_template/trunk – OSCam

  • biko

    please provide the program as a download
    used here

    also wenn du kein picon hast steht ja da der sender name

    wenn du mit der mouse drauf gehst kommt ein fenster mit dem namen vom picon

    du musst in der oscam conf sagen wo die picons sind , also directory

    die oscam.srvid2 muss da rein wo deine config files sind

    So if you don't have a picon, the name of the station is there
    if you hover over it with the mouse, a window appears with the name of the picon
    you have to say in the oscam conf where the picons are, i.e. directory
    the oscam.srvid2 has to go in there where your config files are

  • biko

    please provide the program as a download
    used here

    i am not clear understand if you ask to attach oscam picon viewer, i got it by you from here

    it attached

    or you mean the way i use to convert picon to tpl, i said on previous, it converted by script from @s3n0 from here

    1- So if you don't have a picon, the name of the station is there
    2- if you hover over it with the mouse, a window appears with the name of the picon
    3- you have to say in the oscam conf where the picons are, i.e. directory
    4- the oscam.srvid2 has to go in there where your config files are

    1- picon is already named by the channel as normal picon just converted to tpl


    2 - yes now i follow your mention a lot of picon are missing but it already i have it on picon folder but not converted to tpl,

    is converted picon to tpl depend on oscam.srvid2 file or what ?


    3 - i am set the path corectely as folowed

    httppiconpath = /etc/tuxbox/config/oscamicam/OscamStyleTpl/picons

    4 - oscam.srvid2 file is generated automatically via oscam and it on config file


    i see your file have other picon as

    - IC_vuzero.tpl it's hd model -- how can convert my vu+zero 4k pic

    - picon for provider, emu, camed, cccam server version -- how can do same by different background color and design if i have it


    i will give try Oscam Service Manager by mikiline


    any advised program or tool convert all picons not only channel to tpl icons from png


  • the picons must be converted to tpl

    here are my programs

    All thanks and appreciation for all your advices :handshake:

    The program is great for converting picon to tpl..... It bothered me because it is in German, but dealt with

    The format of the picons for the channels has been known.... it remains to know what is the reference for the names of the devices models, emu icons, encryption .... etc

    attached vu+ zero4k tpl icon to check from you what miss, why it not displayed, i added it by Photoshop to clear my point


    Program icon converter Base64 did not work and gives a error message ...

    i don't know how can get valid **.pn file to work


    Thanks again

    ************************* update

    Now ok understood how icon converter Base64 work

    it just put 1 image by extension pn on the folder and open the program it automatically converted to tpl


    ************************* update 2

    attached awesome program named Image2 Base64 Tpl Picon Converter

    it convert all png picon to tpl very quickly and easy no need to change the extinction to pn, just put on picon folder and run

    only now i face the name of picon it not recognized by skin


    it need to rename

    The syntax for the TPL file is as follows:

    1- IC_channelnameTV.tpl

    Rules for channelnameTV:
    - only lowercase letters
    - no spaces
    - no characters: ['/', '', '\, '"', ``', '?', ' ' , '(', ')', ':', '<', '>', '|', '.', '\n'] - the characters '*', '+' and '&

    2- Name IC_CAiD_SiD.tpl

  • biko :


    My python script for converting ".png" picon (image) to ".tpl" format (web-template) can process "oscam.srvid2" but also "oscam.srvid". Just run the ".py" script without arguments to display the help:


    The shell script ".sh" is intended only for execution directly inside OscamWebif. But you don't have to do it that way. Anyway, it is advisable to modify this ".sh" script according to what arguments you need to use for the converter itself (for the ".py" script).

    Srvid file generators:

    If you want, you can also find ".srvid" or ".srvid2" generators among my scripts. However, they are not reliable. It's basically just a parser of data from websites with databases of satellite transponders (and their channels). However, this is never 100% reliable. So the ".srvid" or ".srvid2" output may not be reliable. Unfortunately. But you can try it if you want :).

    Just on a side note... :

    Also, there is a known problem with TPL-picons for OscamWebif and that is the fact that with a huge number of channels, some ServiceID (SID) match. But that's a problem if the CAID also sometimes coincide. The result is two exactly identical filenames "IC_xxxx_xxxx.tpl" which unfortunately get overwritten (one over the other... because there can only be one). Unfortunately, the names of the ".tpl" files do not contain the whole or at least the final and important service reference code (such as is used, for example, in userbouquet files). Unfortunately, the names of the ".tpl" files are composed only of the CAID + SID code. And that is a very indirect way of determining the correct icon.

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