E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,265 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 93,205 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • anybody know how to open JVT on Windows?

    JTV is a binary format. It is required two files for each TV channel:

    NDX File (.ndx) contains time stamps.
    PDT File (.pdt) contains program titles.

    File name = channel name

  • Dreambox Two, OE 2.6

    This is not a plugin bug. You installed the plugin over either the original or a very old version... Do like this in the terminal

    init 4
    sed -i '/config.plugins.e2m3u2b/d' /etc/enigma2/settings
    init 3

    It stops Enigma2, deletes config entries of plugin in enigma2 settings, and starts enigma2 ...


    init 4
    sed -i '/config.plugins.e2m3u2b/d' /etc/enigma2/settings

    it stops Enigma2, deletes config entries of plugin in enigma2 settings and reboots your Dreambox

  • The first crash in the folder was made on a clean image, on a default skin. It says there is no png:

    In fact-he is. PS: applied telnet commands, configured the plugin again, created bouquets. Crash at the end. The plugin settings have gone wrong - it has become the default in /media / hdd. In my folder /data/E2.....

  • Failed to access '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/E2m3u2bouquet/images/e2m3u2bouquetlogo.png': No such file or directory

    Check for the presence of this file .. Miracles - do not happen

     [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'twisted.internet.error.DNSLookupError'>: DNS lookup failed: no results for hostname lookup: loc.gov.

    It's a warning info ... This does not particularly affect the import of events from the EPG ... it will simply take the ENG locale by default, if they are there

    According to the e2m3u2bouquet.log

    Bouquets of "antifriz" IPTV provider created successfully, as well as EPG

    The plugin settings have gone wrong - it has become the default in /media / hdd. In my folder /data/E2.....

    This is all due to the fact that a new one was installed on a very old version - "over" ... Manually clean out all unnecessary configs ... The real config file is located exactly where it is indicated in the "menu" - "configuration"

  • Let it be your way.


    I put the image from scratch (previously erased the folder /data/). Installed the plugin -"no module named backports"

    Installed from feed. The plugin config is in the /media/hdd/ folder. I wanted to change in / data/- it did not work. Transferred manually. After downloading, it went green again. But the bouquets were created and the EPG downloaded. The next update is green again. At the same time, everything is shaking - both bouquets and EPG.

  • I am looking at the vacuum. When there is restart or shutdown the database is written to disc, removing so the outdated events.

    However you can give events a grace period that they can stay in the database despite being outdated. The value is named "Keep outdated EPG" and is stated in hours.

    On import (EPGimport) normally only events that or not outdated or falling in the grace period are stored. It might be that your version stores everything matching a station, and then a mark delete and vacuum is needed leaving the actual/future and the keep outdated events.

    I am refering to how DreamOS EPG is working and was implemented in 2013/2014.

    Progress is great BTW!

    Edited once, last by msatter ().

  • I am looking at the vacuum. When there is restart or shutdown the database is written to disc, removing so the outdated events.

    However you can give events a grace period that they can stay in the database despite being outdated. The value is named "Keep outdated EPG" and is stated in hours.

    On import (EPGimport) normally only events that or not outdated or falling in the grace period are stored. It might be that your version stores everything matching a station, and then a mark delete and vacuum is needed leaving the actual/future and the keep outdated events.

    I am refering to how DreamOS EPG is working and was implemented in 2013/2014.

    Again you :zany face: ...

    1) I provided a link to the SQLite documentation in the update announcement... Did you read what VACUUM is there?

    2) Judging by your post, it is unlikely that you have read even one paragraph from the SQLite documentation

    3) VACUUM - has NOTHING to do with "Outdated events" ... Actually - NOTHING from the phrase "AT ALL"

    4) Read thoughtfully and carefully - https://www.sqlite.org/matrix/lang_vacuum.html

    5) Yes, the DraemOS code, when turning off the satellite, gives the VACUUM command, but this has NOTHING to do with "Outdated events" ... This is only because this is the only time the DreamOS code saves eEPGCache to the epg.db backup file

    6) For the removal of EPG "Outdated events" (timing of which you set in the DreamOS settings), a COMPLETELY different function is responsible that has nothing to do with the SQLite server VACUUM command. This feature is located in the eEPGCache module and runs every 60 seconds ALWAYS when your set-top box is turned on. Moreover, I already told you this in the EPGImport topic and cited a piece of code (epgcache.cpp) from the value of the variables where these default time intervals are set

    Снимок экрана 2022-09-06 в 07.19.22.png

    p.s. Unfortunately, since 2013/2014 you have not understood HOW it works ... alas ...

  • The VACUUM command has nothing to do with this ... It's just that "someone" from 2013/2014 carefully read the SQLite documentation and appropriately rewrote the python code, changing the logic of its work so that

    Progress is great BTW!

    :face with tears of joy: But there is no limit to perfection .. and I "squeeze out" another 10 seconds for every 100000 records from XMLTV in the new algorithm =) ... which will be in the next version

  • Yes , I stick like gum.

    On 1 to 5, no I did not read the information you referred to on the sqlite site because it gives here a : Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG" error. Looking at the short version on duckduckgo:


    The VACUUM command rebuilds the database file, repacking it into a minimal amount of disk space. There are several reasons an application might do this: Unless SQLite is running in "auto_vacuum=FULL" mode, when a large amount of data is deleted from the database file it leaves behind empty space, or "free" database pages

    On 6, a journal of the data being retrieved on zapping:

    Sep 06 08:58:53 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] channel 0x36f6940 running

    Sep 06 08:58:53 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] next update in 2 sec

    Sep 06 08:58:55 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] start caching events(1662447535)

    Sep 06 08:58:55 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] 5274 0c99 0003 00eb0000 has external data! won't update...

    Sep 06 08:58:55 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] 17d1 0c82 0003 00eb0000 has external data! won't update...



    Sep 06 08:58:58 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] 5287 0c96 0003 00eb0000 has external data! won't update...

    Sep 06 08:58:58 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] 52ec 0c96 0003 00eb0000 has external data! won't update...

    Sep 06 08:59:05 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] nownext finished(1662447545)

    Sep 06 09:00:32 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] schedule finished(1662447632)

    Sep 06 09:00:32 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] schedule other finished(1662447632)

    Sep 06 09:00:32 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] stop caching events(1662447632)

    Sep 06 09:00:32 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] next update in 60 min

    Sep 06 09:00:35 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] cleanup invalid data

    Sep 06 09:00:35 dm920 enigma2[350]: [EPGC] cleanupOutdated

    Starts caching the events and does not update the events that are already in database in RAM. Nownext is always updated and overwrites the short description of the EPG but, so only on the screen not in the database. If you zap forward and back you will see again the short description from the EPG database and a few seconds later the short nownext description is overwritten again on on the screen.

    There is no need to vacuum the database as long it is in RAM because it is fast enough to handle all. When writing back to disc it writes a clean database, which is ready to be imported again.

    On EPGimport the database on disc is being used to insert/update events. Now most likely, you do a import after vacuum to clean out the obsolete events that are replaced by updated events and maybe you also remove outdated events keeping the events defined by: config.misc.epgcache_outdated_timespan=hours

    Vacuum reduces then size of file on disk and that smaller epg.dat file is then loaded into RAM to be used. When the box is restarted or shutdown then a new optimized epg.dat file is overwriting the previous version.

    The epg.dat file on disc is renamed, not erased when the EPG from RAM is saved. When the box crashes before restart/shutdown the epg.dat file is still on disc and on start it will be used to fill the EPG in RAM. This way you don't loose EPG data except for the EPG data that is in RAM. This because it is not written back to disk.

    Above is general description how the EPG works and I updated that with the vacuum you are now doing. The EPG working is simple on the outside and works very well since a long time.

    If you want, please correct any errors I made and add what I forgot. This could be used as a general bit of information for users who want to know how EPG is handled.

    Looking forward to the EPGImport version so I test it also.

  • Yes , I stick like gum.

    You just have to try to understand that "Cleanup database" and "Cleanup outdated events" are fundamentally different concepts:

    "Database cleanup" - refers to the SQLite server and is called by the VACUUM command ... for example before closing connection and saving the database file after it is "filled" or when changing PRAGMA in a previously created database or periodically for "rebuild" ... e.t.c.

    "Cleanup outdated events" - this is a cleanup of outdated events in an eEPGCache instance (in "RAM") ... This is done periodically by a function in C code... and applied to the eEPGCache instance.

    And the "pieces" of the log that you cite in the post above should not be stupidly read and stated in the form of "fantasies on a free theme" that have NO relation to reality, but carefully compared with the source code of the Enigma2 framework code in python or C and only after that draw reasonable conclusions

  • Hello

    If I remove and after install E2m3u2bouquet new version, ipk file create and leave a folder named tmp in /hdd. If you need tmp folder, why don't use /tmp/E2m3u2bouquet and after "rm -rf /tmp/E2m3u2bouquet" in postrm?

    opkg --force-depends remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet && opkg install /hdd/enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_1.0.73.1_all.ipk

    Edited 3 times, last by mapi ().

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