[Plugin] FilmXY

There are 103 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 21,717 times. The last Post () by Nec.

  • Install the module its looking for - opkg install python-requests

    In my previous message I told that the message reads: "No module named request". So, it looks like the plugin looks for "request" but not "requests". Of course, when you use command via telnet opkg install python-request - it can not be executed since this a wrong command.

    Correct command should be "opkg install python-requests". But in ATV 6.4 "module requests is up to date".

    P.s.: I've checked the plugin right now. Same problem. I can not launch the plugin. Still requires "module named request".

    Similar to me:

    pobrane (1).png

  • please digit on telnet

    python -V

    root@dinobot4kmini:~# python -V 

    Python 3.9.7 (default, Mar 17 2022, 12:56:08) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

    i have Pythoon 3..

    the command for telnet are


    if python < 3

    opkg install python-requests

    if python 3 the command is

    opkg install python3-requests

    you can list your request libraries if you have any installed with this command (thanks KiddaC)

    opkg list python*requests


    and if python-requests is not in openpli feeds

    there are a couple of ipks on this post
    RE: Ncam Status no module named request

    On other box (dreamos) are

    apt-get update && apt-get install python-requests

  • My box is: Zgemma H7s,

    Image: OpenPli 8.3,

    Python version: 2.7.18

    Telnet command:

    opkg install python-requests

    It doesn't work with me.You saw the picture in my previous message.

    When I try command: opkg list python*requests

    I get the following message


    What the problem?

  • This is some kind of trash ...

    1) Who prevents the plugin author from throwing the Requests library into the plugin (for example, in * .whl) along with all its dependencies and does not depend on the presence of this library in the image used by the user? Requests - is a pure Python library, its addition is done elementarily through sys.path.insert

    or (if the first option is "higher mathematics")

    1) Who prevents the plugin author from making separate ipk packages for Py2 and Py3 by specifying the dependencies necessary for the plugin in the Depends section of the control script? In this case, they will be automatically installed when installing the plugin!

    Why torture users with an unnecessary knowledge of installing Python dependencies??

  • and the whole joke is that on the image of NN2, the plugin asks to install the requests dependency, I install it in telnet according to the log, it can be seen that I pulled up this package, restart enigma and now asks to install request, but there is no such package. according to ftp, the requests dependency has been installed, but the plugin is still missing something,

    on which image there are no problems with anything, just installed the plugin so it's on the new ATV 7. 2 checked on Vu DUO 2 ,

  • mistake

    i don't have request on plugin.

    the control missing request

    Package: enigma2-plugin-extensions-filmxy

    Version: 1.1

    Section: extra

    Priority: optional

    Architecture: all

    Maintainer: @lulullaOE: 2.0-2.2-2.5

    License: O.S.

    and i have check


    from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote

    from urllib.request import urlretrieve, urlopen

    from urllib.error import URLError

    PY3 = True

    unicode = str

    unichr = chr

    long = int

    except ImportError:

    from urlparse import urlparse

    from urllib import urlretrieve

    # from urllib2 import Request

    from urllib import unquote

    from urllib2 import urlopen, Request

    from urllib2 import URLError


    in folder 150 files !!

    unable to search in 150 files


  • V.1.0. does not asks for the "request" and can be used. But is a bit incovenient due to "chinese hieroglyphs" instead of latin in some screens.

    After update via telnet to v.1.1. starts to ask for the "request module" and can not be launched accordingly.

  • mistake

    i don't have request on plugin.


    1) Who? Where? When? Have talked or written about Request ?

    2) Do you understand the difference between standard python urllib2/urllib "Request" and third-party library "python-requests", as discussed above in users posts?

    3) You are using "python-requests" library in your plugin in the following modules


    module "python-requests" - on many images it's NONE and requires additional installation... On many images - this module is very outdated (for example - BlackHole image) ... e.t.c. After all, this library is NOT core in ANY VERSION of Python and requires additional installation on any platform...

  • V.1.0. does not asks for the "request" and can be used. But is a bit incovenient due to "chinese hieroglyphs" instead of latin in some screens.

    After update via telnet to v.1.1. starts to ask for the "request module" and can not be launched accordingly.

    reboot box and try, report issue

  • V.1.0. does not asks for the "request" and can be used. But is a bit incovenient due to "chinese hieroglyphs" instead of latin in some screens.

    After update via telnet to v.1.1. starts to ask for the "request module" and can not be launched accordingly.

    reboot box and try, report issue

    Nothing has changed.

    Same error message appears: "No module named request".

    I could not find any error log if there is any.

    So, up to now v.1.1. is totally unfunctional (i.e., can not be launched) in my GI ET11000 4K with OpenATV 6.4 (latest update with the "requests module up to date), unfortunately. :-(

  • atv 6.4 ??

    use 7.0.. i'm sorry

    this is not a job, it seems that if you propose something, everyone attacks you, there is something wrong. Now I do nothing.

    I don't have 10 boxes with 10 different images, I have one and I'm also sorry for how I mistreat it. I have made 1 server available for updates, but when the money runs out and I get bored of all this, all the plugins will fall

    Never a cafe to keep a server, and I don't ask. Never done but.. it's not constructive not to share.

  • Dear Lululla,

    There are practically no plugins like yours and it is really-really needed.

    You are one of few software people who could create such kind of the plugin.

    We understand that this is not a job but one of your hobbies.

    Please, find your valuable time for this plugin to improve it.

    It would be wrong to leave it because of some, I believe, little thing.

    May be to make some changes to the plugin to enable it to create error log to find what is wrong?

  • I don't have a problem with you, I also use your plugins. I just gave information. Please keep sharing.


    DM 900 UHD

    Open ATV 7.4

  • You are one of few software people who could create such kind of the plugin.

    I already fixed this this morning, and 5 hours ago I put it on github, it's been online since yesterday

    filmxy/Downloader.py at main · Belfagor2005/filmxy
    Contribute to Belfagor2005/filmxy development by creating an account on GitHub.


  • Dear Lululla,

    Something is wrong. I've got crash.

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