oscam stops when restarted in web browser

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,972 times. The last Post () by alom.

  • hi and thank you for looking at my post.

    please can someone help me,....i had 1.10 working fine no probs but wanted to upgrade to be able to do some stuff that 1.10 dosen't support.

    i have used the ipk package for sly uk on the sticky here (master G's ) and have 1.20unstable working....but when i restart from the browser...........it stops oscam altogether....even restarting the box dosent start it......have to go into telnet and restart it from there.....

    any ideas on what it could be and how i can sort this put...

    thanks again..

    • Official Post

    Which receiver & image are you using mate ?

    • Official Post

    it's dm800se clone and image is icvs image mate.


    I am almost certain the problem is that the icvs image does not reconise the start script in this ipk file, can you please post the contents of your oscam camscript which will be in /usr/script and tell us what your oscam binary file is named as in /usr/bin.

  • hi m8.

    the oscam binary is named oscam

    and the contents of /usr/camscript is ina file called Ncam_oscam6059_E2.sh



    remove_tmp () {
    rm -rf /tmp/*.info* /tmp/*.tmp*

    case "$1" in
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    /usr/bin/oscam -b &
    sleep 2
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    killall -9 oscam 2>/dev/null
    sleep 1
    $0 stop
    exit 0

    exit 0


    • Official Post

    Try replacing the oscam script with this one, deltete the current, extract and ftp this to /usr/script, chmod this one 755 then reboot.

  • thanks loads mate....will try this now :)

    ok...done that....but after reboot.....oscam didn't start....i had to telnet to start it again :(

  • Ok sorry to hear that it has been a while since i used icvs but i think this campack will work for you.

    should i uninstall the other one and install on a fresh image...or can it be installed over it?


  • cheers mate. i'll reflash the image with no cams and then install this and transfer my configs. hopefully that will sort it out and then i can start adding bits to it.

    thanks for your help. :)

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