Shadow WQHD SkinWhiteShadowFHD Skin for DreamOS

There are 91 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 13,824 times. The last Post () by DR-10.

  • Shadow WQHD Skin Update: 05.05.24 v1.1-r41

    - Fix for LightDesign and PermanentClock

    - Light Yellow color changed a little again to make it easier to read

    - the arrow arrows above and below the cover in 3 movie players now run over their own layout <layout name="Arrow_player">, if you don't want to see them, simply create your own layout without these arrows and they are gone. :winking_face: (this was once requested and so I created it as a layout so that it can be removed easily and without much effort).

    - some internal things

    thanks zombi

  • Shadow WQHD Skin Update: 05.05.24 v1.1-r44

    - Fix for LightDesign and PermanentClock

    - Light Yellow color changed a little again to make it easier to read

    - the arrow arrows above and below the cover in 3 movie players and the Media EDM infobar now run over their own layout <layout name="Arrow_player">, if you don't want to see them, simply create your own layout without these arrows and they are gone. :winking_face: (this was once requested and so I created it as a layout so that it can be removed easily and without much effort).

    - Crash Fix MediaDatabase Manager

    - IMDB Screen Font Fix for Light Color Design

    - AMS movie list screen fix for some AMS screens

    - original Movielist Screen Fix

    - some internal things

    thanks zombi

  • Shadow WQHD Skin Update: 09.05.24 v1.1-r46

    - small color correction for LightBlue

    - Color gradient and color fix for AMS and EMC

    - Infobar CryptIcon disabled by default

    - Infobar CryptIcon can now be switched via styles (White/Black/Media EDM only)

    thanks zombi

  • New update online

    Shadow WQHD Skin Update: 11.05.24 v1.1-r49

    - internal adjustments to some icons (are now more memory efficient)

    - Changes in About (Flash 0-4 for GPT boot now included)

    - New resolution information and new signature where it also says that support is only given here in Ihad.

    - minor adjustments here and there

    thanks zombi

  • Update: v1.2-r2 >>>>>(Online Update)..

    Thx zombi

  • Update: v1.2-r3 >>>>>(Online Update)..


    New update:12.03.2024

    - Script Fix wenn jemand ausversehen das Black Icon Script 2x hintereinander ausgeführt hätte..

    - Install Fix wenn jemand auf Black Icon umgeschaltet hatte und dann ein up des Skins machen würde..

    - In den GP Playern Movie,Bilder und Musik werden die Icons dann jetzt auch mit umgeschalten wenn man im Light Design Black Icon wählt..

    Thx zombi

  • Update: v1.2-r4 >>>>>(Online Update)..


    New update:18.05.2024

    - audio Icons nochmal umstrucktoriert (wer eine user hat bitte überprüfen )..

    - einige Icons nochmal umbenannt und neu strucktoriert (wer eine user hat bitte überprüfen )..

    - einige Korrekturen in verschiednen Skinscreens..

    - weitere Umbauten im Skin..

    Thx zombi

  • Update: v1.2-r6 >>>>>(Online Update)..

    Thx zombi

  • Update: v2.0-r0 >>>>>(Online Update)..

    Thx zombi

  • Update: v2.0-r2 >>>>>(Online Update)..

    Thx zombi

  • Update: v2.0-r4 >>>>>(Online Update)..

    Thx zombi

    best regards


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