problem with dyndns updater

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 962 times. The last Post () by lfc4ever.

  • Hi,

    Normally when i was using free dyndns from it was very well update in my router and ubuntu pc with DDclient software.but I have move to and my router which got DD-WRT software is struggling to update the dyndns every 10 the minut i update dyndns manually via no ip .com and it will be ok till next month.

    this what i see on router page
    Tue Aug 14 02:30:31 2012: INADYN: Started 'INADYN Advanced version 1.96-ADV' - dynamic DNS updater.
    Tue Aug 14 02:30:31 2012: INADYN: IP read from cache file is 'xx.xx.xx.xx'. No update required.
    Tue Aug 14 10:58:58 2012: W: DYNDNS: Error 'RC_IP_CONNECT_FAILED' (0x13) when talking to IP server
    Tue Aug 14 10:58:58 2012: W:'RC_IP_CONNECT_FAILED' (0x13) updating the IPs. (it 50)
    Tue Aug 14 11:33:11 2012: W: DYNDNS: Error 'RC_IP_CONNECT_FAILED' (0x13) when talking to IP server
    Tue Aug 14 11:33:11 2012: W:'RC_IP_CONNECT_FAILED' (0x13) updating the IPs. (it 53)

    Can not see here what I am doing wrong?

    then I try little further to install noip2 to mu ubuntu during installation it ask me my log-in (user name or email ) and password then interval with my only 1 dyndns address.

    i tried to make interval 1 days to 30 days but nothing happens.

    here this the way i am checking if it work or not

    i Go in to then select wrong any random ip and update manually and i can see it stat wrong address. then i force on my ubuntu to use noip2 to run and if this work correctly i can see same time on that my ip changed but i don't change.

    Please any advise as it expire ever month and d,nt get update while via server.

  • i have foloowed that guide and it download th noip-2.1.9-1/ instead noip-2.1.7/
    before follow the guide i did update a wrong IP at no so i can see after following the guid will it update the right IP?

    unfortunatly after all the instruction when i start the noip2, it showing OK but ip d,nt update.
    this is the way I am stuck.

    to follow th guide is not hard but for some reason it d,nt work with no !!

    I have tried all day to get help via google but so far did not achieve any thing.

  • Simple way for no-ip

    log into server as root

    At this stage your asked a few questions about your no-ip info, fill it in.

    Then to get no-ip running at bootup

    echo '/usr/local/bin/noip2' >> /etc/rc.local

    Should work fine now, prolly have to remove anything that you already done

    apt-get autoremove inadyn or whatever you installed.

  • i did tried to install DDclient and noip, noip2 ,i have remove them by terminal and i have even remove all the files related manully by terminal then reboot server but when next time i tried to install from fresh it itself find my settings? like server stored some where last set up

    what is the best way to clean all the set up first?


    can it be run with out any boot up?

    it should run every 1 day with out main restart or reboot
    and should also if main internet conection change and pc or box reboot
    also when we just restart oscam or cccam its own

    how can i make this possible?
    in that case it will be always uptodate

  • Bit confused, you simply set the updater to check IP every XX in minutes by the looks of it for no-ip

    Your asked

    please enter an update interval:[30] 30

    Which is every 30 minutes, so it simply checks every 30 minutes if you need your IP updated, if so it updates if not it ignores it.

    Strange your stuck on this as it's one of the first things you would learn, and as you've been around for quite a bit, you really should know this by now :)

    [edit] Obviously yes you can stop it running at boot and manually run it, simply read the MAN pages.

  • I know all this mate,

    I have leave interval as [30] 30

    i have update a wrong Ip on no-ip,com under my dydns address . soon i update my dydns, every thing stop working as its its directed to wrong Ip

    after all that I leave server running for 1 hour to see if if after 30 minut my server update my dydns to right IP address itself or not

    and it did not update so i think noip2 is not doing its job .

    i been through this for 3 month now every month it d,nt update it self

    as i said earlier in my post DDclinetc was very good with but noip2 is buggy with

    i will try what you write and will tell you how it goes.

  • i have foloowed it exactly and here is my rc.local file
    #!/bin/sh -e
    # rc.local
    # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
    # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
    # value on error.
    # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
    # bits.
    # By default this script does nothing.
    sleep 30

    /bin/oscript start &



    exit 0


    is that correct?please confirm

  • Looks fine to me

    just to check where noip2 is do a

    whereis noip2

    it should return /usr/local/bin/noip2

    If for any reason it's another path, then alter rc.local to point to correct path, though it should be fine.

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