TomTom Europe v1.0

  • hi all this is not my work but i think you should try it if you like tomtom

    install instructions

    Extract downloaded RAR file on your PC. Copy APK to your Android device and tap to begin installation.
    After installation of APK, map download will be up to 3.31 GB depending on regional version. Be sure you have room on your SD Card/Storage, connect to internet by WiFi, and have full battery or plug in charger.
    Download could take time measured in hours. If download is cancelled or WiFi connection is lost, you may have to start all over. Ability to resume is not supported according to reports from others.

    NOTE: To be 'safe' disable TomTom Data within the settings and do not attempt any In-App Purchases!

    works ok on my samsung s3 rooted

  • master G

    Added the Label Android App

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