LD-v1.3-gb800se - Compilada el 10-10-2012

  • LD-v1.3-gb800se - Compilada el 10-10-2012

    * Kernel: 3.1.1
    * Enigma2: 09/06/2012 - experimental [property]
    * Image: (LD)-V1.3 10/10/2012
    * BusyBox: v1.18.5
    * Drivers: 19/09/2012
    * Webinterface: 1.6.8 - Adapted Gigablue
    * Bouqueteditor Gigablue and adapted to link to the in webinterface
    * Distro Version: 1.0 - OpenMips
    * Expert mode enabled by default
    * Support Wireles
    * Support TDT
    * Boot logo based on the classic LD 0.1
    * MHW EPG enabled
    * Blue Panel completely restructured and expanded (now has more features)
    * Symbolic links in / var to / usr
    * Modified Networkwizard (UPDATED)
    * Modified ntpdate and starting at the beginning (corrected)
    * Modified and added OPENVPN Daemons
    * Modified for busybox-cron crond (any adjustments done in / etc / cron / root)
    * Modified by Inadyn Inadyn-mt and it is now possible to configure it graphically (updated our account dyndns or no-ip)
    * Converted Bookseller libgcc_s.so to correct in 2.1.3 *** am ECM Time (-nan) in display
    * Skin BlackShadow3 LD and adapted to Gigablue 1.3
    * Modified and added Infobar channel number before channel title
    * Modified and adapted and added data SecondInfobar Emu, Peer, Hop, Caid, Provider, Ecm time and orbital
    * Modified the analog clock to work correctly in both infobar
    * Mention in several areas of the skin to LD TEAM
    * Added support daemons, scripts and many more tools to blue panel
    * Ability to mount a hard drive and create a swap file
    * Fixed problem channel lists and weak signal
    * Now he has to choose between C or T tuner (cable or DTT)
    * Added support band Frequencies and TDT SPAIN
    * Remapped all the buttons on the remote control
    * Finally load the bootloader before putting the image
    * Fixed the link interface mapping
    * Added Autorresolution system (needs to be activated menu system **** **** Autoresolution)
    * Added settings for brightness enhancement, nitridez, saturation, etc ...
    * Added information on Blue panel system (Yellow button Blue button ****)
    * Added control of demons (daemons) in Red button Blue button ****
    * Added Audio Sync (synchronize audio)
    * Added blindscan (blind search)
    * Added EPGrefresh
    * Added HDMI CEC setup (TV and HDMI support)
    * Added My TubePlayer (see youtube videos on deco)
    * Added 3D UI (options and settings 3d)
    * Added UI position setup (adjust the viewing position)
    * Added wireless Access Point (connects to wifi now easier than ever from here)
    * Added ZappingModeSeleccion (select mode zap)
    * Modified the telnet interface, I have given some colorful xD
    * Added scripts very useful in **** blue button blue button (the free memory is very useful)
    * Many internal changes and I do not remember now
    * Image now works super smooth and super fast
    * Updated drivers to 19/09/2012 (dvb.ko)
    * Removed EPGSearch (EPG update and search)
    * Added new Plugins menu in main menu
    * Added Plugin FTPBrowser (to create your own addons server)
    * Added image AudioPiP
    * Removed extra blue panel
    * Translation of much of the blue panel to Spanish
    * Modified daemons, now just press OK button to stop / start
    * Added support NFS and added this to the daemons
    * Added new scripts and utilities to blue panel
    * Correction bug and translation devices Admin
    * It works perfectly formatted USB module panel in blue
    * USB Format defaults to ext2 (best to play and record in this deco)
    * Modified and translated swap memory, swap is now possible to create smaller and larger
    * Added several symlinks in different areas of the image (restructuring)
    * Removed from enigma2.sh some lines slowed a little startup
    * Modified the way to start the emus, fixed some problems with this issue
    * Major changes in LDteam plugins, coming in 1.4 will add new function
    * Fixed problem with motor, no buttons appear and the occasional anomaly (resolved)
    * Execution of auto restart and shutdown nightly by cron task: It was not possible to do correctly and standby reboot night
    * Pixelate and bad signal on sat and Freeview tuner: channels remained at a very low level signal and failed (solved)
    * Interface Mapping: this failed when running a PCMCIA, apparently gave green screenshot (solved)
    * Modified InfoBar (peer data, ECM, cam, etc. ..) correcting some minor bugs and errors
    * Modified the SKIN adapting to the new changes in the LDTEAM plugins.
    * Many more things I can not remember right now ....



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