smargo usb problem

  • Hi All.
    I will start on a high note and wish all members a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    My old problem has returned to haunt me. If I loose power to my debian server the installed smargo will change to bus 2 or 3 and will not work. If I plug, un-plug devise, re-boot server etc and keep checking using 'lsusb' it will work when it decides to choose bus 1. I have used filezilla and created a file called 52_reader.rules which I placed in /etc/udev. The file contains the following.

    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403",
    SYMLINK+="ttyUSB_%b", KERNEL=="ttyUSB0", MODE="0666"

    The only thing I have changed is the ''ttyUSB0'' which tallys with the cccam config. Is this correct. I only use one usb devise and I am wondering if I could disable the other bus 2 and 3 would this help and force bus 1 only to work.
    Hope this makes sense.
    Not much hair left at this stage.

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