Best oscam windows setup

There are 9 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,860 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Scenario:

    Using OSCAM - Windows Setup - S*y Uk
    Reader - Omnikey 3121
    Local Card to share with 2x internal clients & 20+ remote clients (fam & friends).
    Client = s*ybox / openbox / dreambox

    I am thinking of using:
    oscam = card reader
    Newcamd as Server = to serve clients
    use Mgcamd for protocol = newcamd - for client communication (protocol) to decode client viewing or can I do without this just using oscam ?? - if so what would be oscam client setting ??
    or can I use multiple protocols for clients using several types of boxes - or is N line or C lines sufficient for client connection for viewing ??
    Do I need to use DVBAPI AU to update emm on card ??

    Do I need to setup multiple user accounts for each client connection ??

    Do I need to allow re-share for clients & secure them - e.g remote client 1, share with remote client 2, to unlock viewing or best method to unlock via connecting to server ??

    Much Appreciated People ... Please inform me about any pitfalls - am a newbie.

    Thanks ...

  • See Image

    Oscam Server PC - (Local) will use Mgcamd & Newcamd as protocol

    Oscam client - clients will be both local & remote & connect via DVBApi AU for S*ybox & openbox clients will use N-line

    72f42cc8856e2a81c7abfc1a.png - example but using above configuration.

    Do I need to activate Ccamd on Oscam Server for Ccamd clients to connect ?? i.e. dreambox - to use C-line ?? or can I use N-line ??

    And is the above config ok for clients .

    Thankyou so much if some can answer this...

    Awaiting Hardware.

  • Oscam client - clients will be both local & remote & connect via DVBApi AU for S*ybox & openbox clients will use N-line

    do I need to add Mgcamd & Newcamd for client protocol / connection or will DVBApi AU be sufficient ??

  • just a few more question please.

    if I enable Oscam Server to use mgcamd -> newcamd as ptotocol

    Do I need to enable the same protocol on clients for clients to communicate to server ?? i,e server newcamd protocol <---> client newcamd protocol.
    Am I right in saying, clients that are already configured to use cccam protocol i.e. dreambox, will need to be configured to use newcamd protocol or do I need to enable cccam protocol on server as well for them (sever will then run 2 protocols) ?? or if I add a Cline in the client is that sufficient for dreambox to communicate with server ???

    Am I right in saying that DVBApi AU is solely used to update emm on card & not used as a communicating protocol for clients ???

    If you can answer the above then I will be well on my way to understand how to config oscam with newcamd as protocol. I am just trying to make sense of what path I am taking before executing the task.

    Many Thanks again.

  • oscam & protocols:

    Is it like windows networking, you can have tcpip & appletalk as well as other protocols for printers enabled on network etc ... Just trying to grasp how oscam functions when accepting requests (incoming connections). if I am understanding this right oscam needs to have config syntax in files to accept ccam / newcamed etc, so when 1 client makes a request via ccam this request is processed, also same with newcamd.

    can 2x protocols run at the same time for N-lines / C-lines etc, used for incoming client requests .. or does oscam only run 1 protocol at any one time ??

    Please Anyone with the knowledge ...

  • A lot of questions - you are clearly giving it a lot of thought - the best way to answer them is by doing your research, once you have the stuff to get things running, do what you can, and then get back to us with the things that you are finding difficult. In the meantime it might be best saving your questions untli you have the hardware and are actually trying to set it up physically, or you will be running over the same ground again - in the meantime have a look at the oscam wiki


    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Thanks musogeet :) for the link - good wiki, Now I am going to crack it hopefully .....

    1 more question then, can I purchase a test card to play about with ?? until I know I have got things working & am happy with the setup ??

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