Dreambox 500s password change in case you cant FTP or telnet...SOLUTION !!!!

  • The other day i had this problem , that someone installed a new image on my box and changed the password, as a result i couldn't FTP the box or Telnet because original dreambox pass was changed....I also couldn't download Tuxbox Commander simply because url's weren't working from addons manager, after searching a lot in the internet i came out to this solution that WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!:feel_good:

    You will need putty (or HyperTerminal) as well a null modem cable

    - connect your dm with a serial/null cable to pc(laptop) with power off
    - start putty and use serial option (change serial port speed in putty to 115200 and select your COM port) to connect to your dm and hit open
    (don't forget that on putty FLOW CONTROL = NONE ) very important, i was fighting for 1 hour to realize this....

    -If using Hyperterminal set com port properties to: Bits per Second=115200 ;Data bits=8 ;Parity=none ;Stop bits=1 ; Flow control =Xon/Xoff

    - turn on dm and you will see a few messages during boot process

    Dreambox DM500s
    loaded at: 00500000 0060016C
    avail ram: 00501000 02000000

    - hit control x repeatedly until the boot
    at the following prompt...

    Linux/PPC load:

    type (of course without quotes "")

    "console=null root=/dev/mtdblock5 rootfstype=squashfs ro console=ttyS0,115200 single"

    and press enter

    at this point I received the error [Can't open /proc/bus/dbox.sh] but just ignore it.

    once you are at the bash level ( / #) type

    "mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock/1 /var"

    and press enter

    now type passwd
    -----------------------you should see the following screen---------------

    Changing password for root
    Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
    Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
    Enter new password:
    Re-enter new password:
    passwd[19]: password for `root' changed by user `root'
    Password changed.

    Thats it.....joint10

    VU+ Ultimo , Optibox Anaconda Plus , Octagon SF1008G+SE+ , Dreambox 500s

  • master G

    Added the Label Article

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