backup dm800 se dreamboxuk image

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,321 times. The last Post () by mickey.

  • hi, ive just set up my choice image (dreamboxuk). i have the plugins i want working well and i also have my settings in all ok, so i decided to make a backup image so that if i get problems in the future i can go straight back to this image. im running a clone sim 2.10 dreambox 800hd se, now for my question: when i reinstall the backup image will it already contain the bootloader (im using bootloader 84b) or will i have to install the bootloader after the image?

    thanks in advance

    dreambox 800hd se clone sim 2.10. pli2.1

  • sorry mate the dbuk image is a pli based image which TSFlashBackup doesn't support dflash would be better, I think there's a tutorial on here somewhere.

  • thanks, i have a backup image, im just wanting to know if the bootloader will be in the image or do i need to flash the image then the bootloader, i think from the answers the bootloader will have saved with the image.

    dreambox 800hd se clone sim 2.10. pli2.1

    • Official Post

    sorry mate the dbuk image is a pli based image which TSFlashBackup doesn't support dflash would be better, I think there's a tutorial on here somewhere.

    Thanks buddy i wasnt aware of that, i presumed because it works on openpli the dbuk image would be ok too.


    This is not final version
    tested only with openpli,Persian empire image and TSimage
    please feedback with other images
    available for direct download and installation through TSpanel-addons-sim2 addons-sim2 plugins-tsflashbackup 84.2

    Thanks to mfaraj57

  • hi, the image has a backup/restore plugin installed in it, i think i am right in thinking that the bootloader is in the backed up nfi file, is that right?

    dreambox 800hd se clone sim 2.10. pli2.1

  • Hiya nush what I found with the dbuk image was it was better to reflash as you did without backing up it takes about 10 mins
    the problem comes when you do a software update it will update the patched tuner drivers to original tuner drivers which
    will then not recognize your tuner,,,"if you do this backup the patched drivers and reinstall after updating or don't update"
    I found this pli image very good click on link and on this page you'll find the word Download (large blue) click on it and it will download an upto
    date image you won't need any bootloaders just flash without.. also there should be a autobackup plugin for settings on the image
    you can also install from plugins - skin downloads the smoked black skin the same as dbuk's
    OpenPLi-2.1-beta-dm800se you can software update no probs

  • hi thanks i will look at this later, does icefilms and 1chanel plugin work ok on it, i asume it will as they work well with pli images

    dreambox 800hd se clone sim 2.10. pli2.1

  • yes they do and the bbciplayer, itviplayer which requires et-livestream to be downloaded from the
    plugins panel for the two iplayers to work. check out the threads on here even the latest E2-skin-hdglass16_7.18
    works no problem.

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