TSMedia Plugin/Telnet

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 8,193 times. The last Post () by aRchers.

  • Hi,

    STB: ET9200
    Image: Latest OpenPLI 3.0

    I want to install TSMedia plugin and I have a couple of questions.

    Do I have to use telnet to install it?

    If I do have to use telnet, (will be first time for me) do I hit "enter" after each command, or after both commands?

    According to the installation instructions from the plugin thread(below)

    for oe2.0 and openpli3.0 images

    Once I start the telnet session, do I

    1. Input "opkg update" then "enter" then opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk then "enter" or

    2. Input "opkg update" then "opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk" then "enter"

    Thanks for your help.

    -by update from previous versions
    -From TSpanel/TSmedia
    -by telnet method (important to follow the exact following commands)
    copy ipk file to tmp folder

    for oe1.6 and openpli2.1 images
    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    for oe2.0 and openpli3.0 images
    opkg update
    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    • Official Post

    for oe2.0 and openpli3.0 images
    copy & paste or type this then press enter

    opkg update

    copy & paste or type this then press enter

    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    Done!, restart stb & enjoy!

  • Thanks for your help.

    Got it up and running, but it doesn't seem to play every stream, but some work fine. Example, on some streams I just get a blank screen with no audio or video.

    1Channel and Icefilms usually displays a message like "host unresolved" or similar.

    Do I need to install any other files for TSMedia??

    Thanks for your help.

    • Official Post

    The author is working on an updated version hopefully to be released today, try the update button later on this should fix a few of the issues you have just described.

  • hi i tried to instal this plug in but cant get it working, i have DM800hd E2 latest OpenPli2.1, it shows me that is instaling the plugin but i cant find where it is in the menu,
    looked in other folders but cant find the plugin it seems that it doesnt exist on my box, however i have seen that it confirmed that it was instaled,
    Can some one help with this explain to me how to fix this in more details if posible, not very in to the programing.

    thanks in advance for your help

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