CCcam and Gbox running together?? Does any one know

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,493 times. The last Post () by XX25.

  • I would like to know if anyone has tried running CCcam and Gbox together at the same time. I am a new user to Enigma 2 machines. I was earlier running successfully both the emus at the same time on a Enigma1 machine. The gbox for such dual action was only the patched version for 2048 cards . I tried running gbox 2.25 and cccam together on Enigma 2 , both the emus connect but no picture. Is there a patched version of gbox for enigma2? then it might work .. any suggestions guys!

    I have recently joined this forum and my hats off to MasterG for his amazing support and knowledge. I am using a VU+ solo

  • running cccam and gbox I have the process running too.
    well above the script name if you do not find it in the blue panel.
    example of the name is important if you do not see
    not as I said in the blue panel.

    script :


    # fin

    # Clears all files in / tmp for gbox
    remove_tmp ()
    rm -rf /tmp/*info* /tmp/*gbox* /tmp/*online* /tmp/*share* /tmp/Newcs* /tmp/atack* /tmp/debug*

    # Start Gbox> CCcam (in that order otherwise it does not work)
    start_cam ()
    /var/bin/CCcam_2.0.11 &
    sleep 5
    /var/bin/gbox &

    #This one kill and cccam gbox spot by running the procedure to delete files
    stop_cam ()
    touch /tmp/gbox.kill
    /bin/prockill gbox
    /bin/prockill CCcam_2.0.11
    killall -9 newcs cs2gbox 2> /dev/null

    case "$1" in
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    echo "[SCRIPT] $1: $CAMNAME"
    echo "Restarting $CAMNAME"
    "$0" stop
    exit 1

    exit 0

  • Thanks a lot for the reply > I would like to know which version of gbox are you using and can that version be run with CCcam 2.2.1 . I know how to use gbox and cccam together on enigma1 .

    I will try it when i go back home..

    Thanks mate

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