Wrong reference service numbers in latest VTI image

  • Hi everyone.

    Can someone help me sort out a problem I have with the latest VTI 6.0.0 image.
    When I have downloaded the channels for Astra 28.2 east; All of the channels have
    the wrong service reference number.

    If you can see; This is the reference number for ITV HD :- 1:0:19:2F62:7F4:2:11A0000:0:0:0

    But when I download channels vith VTI the number is 1:0:19:2F62:7F4:2:11C0000:0:0:0

    As you can see the letter A has now become the letter C. This is the same for ALL channels.

    If I install the latest Blackhole image and then use Meoboot to further install VTI as well;
    Then the service reference numbers are correct on the VTI image and I am able to download and install picons.
    Can anyone explain to me why I cannot install VTI with the correct service reference numbers? Without having
    to first install another image like Blackhole, then meoboot and then VTI image?
    I have installed the VTI image and then had to change all of the letter A's to the letter C in all of my picons.
    But this is only good if I do not want to update my picons. But I would like to install Rat's picon and channel updater.
    Many thanks. And I hope someone will be able to help me.:hmmmm:

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