Unofficial dream elite v.133dv3 phoenix edition

    • Official Post

    PRZ ITALY is a multi-ethnic group, born with the Amiga, who like challenges, computers and pretty girls
    We are confident that you will understand what it means PRZ! find out for yourself

    MEMBERS: Jag - Dooh33 - Blackdragon2 - Anky - Romiao74 - Svitol - PriPPio (old member or friends Rasty - KLW - Heldais)

    We decided to do this image because we did not like what happened with the DREAM ELITE Group.
    If you close the downloads server, people cannot use image for drivers and DTT pendrive then the image is dead.

    We believe that this is the best image available.
    We made hard work of reverse code written by them and we have achieved what we wanted.
    Now the image DE133DV3 Phoenix has a little something extra.

    The original code belongs to the DREAM ELITE group.

    As soon as we have time, we ll convert drivers panel of the DVB-T USB stick as addon for all images in order to have a standard
    for all the images.
    We already know that the dream elite group (who are against the clones) will disagree on the implementation of this image.
    As we say in Italy "when a pope dies another one is elected" perhaps now will no longer be so arrogant.


    panel of the addon has been partially rewritten and new classes were added for the management of an external configuration file called deaddons.url
    that was left in / var / etc (finally any webmaster can create a website for the addon)
    Items have been added for download from the RSS feeds and softcam UPDATE IMAGE PANEL
    where releasing updates and patches a bit like Windows.
    During installation we forced to chmod 755 the file
    Often happens that by editing under Windows -x the attributes are lost, now will not happen again.

    SPECIAL THANKS: We were very pleased with the support of Develop SIM 2.01 and we want to thanks them a lot.

    What has changed in this image:
    In addition to what we already have read several packages have been updated here's the list
    Second stage SS76C from Sim201 TEAM.
    We have not changed the kernel version because it would have taken too long time to release.
    This version still the coolest

    SERVER NOTES: we have not had much time but we are working to fill it with so many things that you just have to wait a bit.

    We have not changed the kernel version because it would have taken too long to release.
    This version still the coolest

    Many things have been said about this image but we do not have time to write many readme ))
    CU Guys!

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