Sorry another AU problem

There are 49 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,022 times. The last Post () by canthackit.

  • Hi

    Sorry about starting yet another au thread but I've been reading through various other threads on the subject including my own but none of the configs I followed worked.

    I think my updates should have started well before now, the first is due to expire 13/10, i'm using my dm800se hd clone with a white card as a server, I downloaded oscam r6454 but it seems to have been updated to svn_8327 (no problems there tho)

    I using oscam version above as client/server all's working ok but as I say i'm sure it should have updated by now, I've tried oscam only, I've tried oscam/CCcam213, and CCcam_213 only none of them will do the updates.

    so here's my configs please tell me what you think:surrender:

    disablelog = 1
    logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
    disableuserfile = 0
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 1000
    waitforcards = 0
    preferlocalcards = 1
    usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log
    cwlogdir = /var/log/cw.log
    lb_save = 100
    lb_savepath = /usr/local/stat
    fallbacktimeout = 2600

    enabled = 1
    numusers = 1
    penalty = 1
    aclogfile = /tmp/oscam_ac.log
    denysamples = 9

    port = 12000
    nodeid = 3ED9D9E410601578
    version = 2.1.1
    reshare = 0
    ignorereshare = 1
    stealth = 1

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    user = local
    boxtype = dreambox

    httpport = 16002
    httpuser = linuxsat
    httppwd = support
    httprefresh = 10
    httphideidleclients = 1
    httpallowed =,

    label = $$$uk
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    inactivitytimeout = 30
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    saveemm-u = 1
    saveemm-s = 1
    lb_weight = 300

    user = local
    caid = 0963
    au = $$$uk
    group = 1
    ident = 0963:000000
    cccmaxhops = 0
    cccreshare = 0
    cccignorereshare = 1

    hope you can help.

    thanks and regards: canthackit

  • enabled dvbapi au = $$$uk still nothing.

    I've posted in the vip section about getting an on screen message on one of my multi room cards in the original box, basicly it's asking me to pair all my cards again and unless I do there will be no updates, and that one I paired about 3 months ago.

    i'm just wondering if somehow it's affecting my being able to update the card in the server.

    I look forward to hearing suggestions, if there's any lol

    regards: canthackit

  • enabled dvbapi au = $$$uk still nothing.

    I do not know why people use dvapi with 0963 or any caid for that matter to be ohnest because it is not required!!!

    Well there should be plenty of suggestions mate..have you tried mgcamd?

  • you say don't use dvbapi what should I try instead? CCcam/newcamd?

    thanks for the reply.

    regards: canthackit

    I did not say do not use dvapi//// i just questioned why peeps use it including yourself?

    Anyway use cccam/newcamd? all you want lol

    Need to see your config files tbh

    Good luck


  • Hello mate.

    I've never been perfectly clear on why dvbapi I assumed it was so that clients could connect to my server.

    as I say obviously i'm using oscam now svn_8919 as server/client.

    but here's my CCcam configs anyways.

    F: ***** ***** 1 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { } ******
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { }
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { }
    F: ***** ***** 2 0 0 { 0:0:2 } { } { } ******
    F: ***** ***** 2 0 0 { 0:0:2 } { } { } ******
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { } ******
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { } ******
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { } ******
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { }
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { }******
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { }
    F: ***** ***** 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 } { } { }******
    WEBINFO USERNAME : linuxsat
    WEBINFO PASSWORD : support
    ZAP OSD TIME : 1
    OSD USERNAME : linuxsat
    OSD PASSWORD : supoort
    OSD PORT : 80
    BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 ** ** ** **
    #SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+
    SHOW TIMING : yes
    MINI OSD : no
    DEBUG : yes
    #DISABLE EMM : yes
    #EMM THREADS : 1
    SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
    AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
    STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/
    CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
    CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
    PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
    LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt

    N: linuxsat support 10000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    please try and get me sorted updating my card.

    regards: canthackit

  • in the same boat as you but on PC server entitlementas end 14/10

    I have previously posted my configs and members had no issues but no update

    let me know if something happens

    Its a multiroom card (previously updated all the time)

    os server

    label = reader-1
    description = ***uk
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 004:002
    fallback = 1
    caid = 0963
    ecmwhitelist = B3,B4,B7,3B,3E,42,44,45,47,4B,4E,4F,50,53,54,56,5F,6A,6C,61,62,64,65,66,67,68,69,6A,6B,6C,6D,6E,6F,70,71,72,73,74,76,77,78,79,7A,7C,7D,7E,80,82,85,8B,89,9A
    detect = cd
    mhz = 343
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 2
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-u = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    lb_weight = 101
    auprovid = 000963

    label = remote1
    enable = 0
    protocol = newcamd
    device = 192.168.
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    user =
    password =
    fallback = 1
    group = 2

    os user

    user = us**
    pwd = **
    description = reader-1
    caid = 0963
    monlevel = 1
    au = reader-1
    group = 2
    ident = 0963:000000
    uniq = 0

    from post 12 onwards…earing-help-please-2.html

  • Hello fellow sufferer

    I've tried everything I can oscam/oscam oscam/cccam oscam/mgcam (cant get that one to work at all)

    I have post in the vip section, regarding the onscreen message that keeps popping up on one of my multi boxes they want me to re-pair all my cards again, i'm now sure this has something to do with not being able to do the updates.

    never had this problem before, if I did with oscam i'd do the updates with CCcam, but sadly as I say not any longer.

    I press on to try and get to the bottom of this.

    it's somehow comforting not to feel alone, sorry it had to be you mate lol

    think i'm gonna have to change my monica to cantupdateit

    best regards: canthackit

  • 5ky do not send out entitlement updates every day you know.

    Stick it in a box running CCCam and leave it on something like 5ky 1. It should update eventually.


    • Official Post

    I do not know why people use dvapi with 0963 or any caid for that matter to be ohnest because it is not required!!!
    Well there should be plenty of suggestions mate..have you tried mgcamd?

    DVAPI updates UK & many other cards very well, mgcamd is great but why have both running when oscam alone will do it on its own?

  • DVAPI updates UK & many other cards very well, mgcamd is great but why have both running when oscam alone will do it on its own?

    I agree mate..dvapi does work but why use that if mgcamd updates cards..i have yet to find a card that does not update using a combo of oscam@mgcamd...not sure what you mean tho regarding oscam updating the card alone? unless you mean oscam as a reader? i dont see the point in using dvapi too if you are using mgcamd.


    • Official Post

    I agree mate..dvapi does work but why use that if mgcamd updates cards..i have yet to find a card that does not update using a combo of oscam@mgcamd...not sure what you mean tho regarding oscam updating the card alone? unless you mean oscam as a reader? i dont see the point in using dvapi too if you are using mgcamd.


    I was referring to post #1 in this thread, the configs posted are oscam only with CCcam protocol enabled for whatever reason he needs it lol. Mgcamd was never mentioned so how else would he view his own card other than dvapi:confuse:

  • I was referring to post #1 in this thread, the configs posted are oscam only with CCcam protocol enabled for whatever reason he needs it lol. Mgcamd was never mentioned so how else would he view his own card other than dvapi:confuse:

    I mentioned mgcamd in post 4 lolz when the op was asking for suggestions/// my suggestion was basically to bin cccam and use mgcamd!!!

    Sorry if that was confusing.

  • I was referring to post #1 in this thread, the configs posted are oscam only with CCcam protocol enabled for whatever reason he needs it lol. Mgcamd was never mentioned so how else would he view his own card other than dvapi:confuse:

    ok let's get this cleared up seeing as i'm being held up for ridicule, I know I've been around a long time and don't know as much as I possibly should.

    but the reason i'm using oscam/oscam with dvbapi and CCcam enabled is I thought I needed or was informed I needed dvbapi enable to view my own sub, and I needed CCcam enabled for my clients to be able to connect, which includes me and i'm using a DUO+2 as a client machine with CCcam 230.

    and with this setup my card has stopped updating, it worked previously but not now, usually updates happen for my setup about a month before they expire, so that's why i'm panicing now.

    if you think that my setup is incorrect please inform and advise me, I've read many oscam wiki's they tell you the settings but don't properly explain the reason for enabling/disabling a certain option and for supposed idiots like me I/we don't understand the benefits of setting up said options.

    I hope I've made myself clear, in my setup, my configs, and what i'm trying to achieve and I look forward to any help you can give me to get my system running at it's best options.

    thank & regards: canthackit

    • Official Post

    If it worked this way before the reason you are not receiving emm is probably because sly have stopped sending them.

  • I've changed my emm settings to the same as blacklisted, is this advisable in my case?

    I've changed them from this:
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    saveemm-u = 1
    saveemm-s = 1

    to this:
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-u = 1

    and the same on the reader, how does this look?

    thanks & regards: canthackit

  • Hi canthackit, Recently i have been getting 2 sometimes 3 emm's on a
    daily basis i changed
    blockemm-g = 1
    saveemm-u = 1
    saveemm-s = 1
    to 0 then1 's and it did not matter i still got the emm's gone none yet today
    i wanted to block them as i was getting to many but oscam had another idea
    i using oscam to read my card and ccam for clients and all connections
    dont use dvbapi or mgcam (is the bill ok?)
    did it always update the original way you had them?

  • My card updated last night until the start of December, with 5 emms received.

    I'm using CCCam 2.1.3 on its own just as i always have :haha:

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