TPM-check removal package

    • Official Post

    TPM-check removal package

    The fix remove the TPM check in the following plugins
    applied to all new oe2.0 sim2 images with boot 84c or 84d,No need to use the fix for openpli images
    -softwaremanager and plugins manager
    -wireless plugin
    -crashsubmit plugin

    copy the ipk to box tmp directory and by telnet execute the following command

    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-tpmcheckremoval_1.0_all.ipk

    -force-overwrite options are important else the setup will fail
    restart the enigma to remove effect of tpm check

    by any ftp program move the content of usr.rar after extraction to your box
    start enigma2 is necessary for fix to take effect

    Thanks to mfaraj57

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