New SSL82 is it fake?

There are 10 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,817 times. The last Post () by voyger.

  • New SSL82 is it fake?

    post by @ ramiMAHER in sim 201 suport forum

    Is not placed 82

    By me Or by mfaraj57

    Video does not work and webinterface not work and driver

    There is nothing new so far

    don't know this how true it is but is been said the SSL82 is a fake

    Wait for the next few days

    voyger.: A Person with no imagination his a person with no wing."

    voyger.:"never make a arguement with an idiot. It will drags you to its own level,and then he will strikes you with His experience."

    • Official Post

    For those following this it appears this file has come from a Chinese DM Clone wholesaler.
    Mfaraj57 has now commented on it.


    It is true there is new ssl82 but i do not know about this copy of ssl put above
    soon i will publish the one tested by us
    however the new ssl just will upgrade the bootloader 76d to ss82 but will not solve the incompatibility with latest drivers
    it is just upgrade to ssl82 without noticeable difference in action from action of 76d
    This is the first stage of ssl development,the next stage will follow and the coming ssl82a expected to be used with latest drivers but the release day is still unknown
    we will use the new ssl82 in our images with patched drivers and patched enigma.

    • Official Post

    Here's another small announcement that will clearup compatability issues.

    New sim201 ssl82 development
    sim201 team just released the first development stage of sim201-ssl82
    new sim201-ssl82 is compatible with drivers 15-12-2010 and patched drivers released this year
    we hope from all sim201 image developers use sim201-ssl82 in their images.
    attached two files one nfi format and the other bin format for backup purposes

    thank you

  • this is my test

    the files are ok after testing this SSL82
    the booting is corect like the originalss82
    believe they only did change the interface web of the ssl or is only a beta version

    the fact we get clean IMAGE but the driver they are not corrected reconise with the ssl82
    and the hardware don't get reconise proppely

    is the same thing with the old ss76D

    so wee need a patch IMAGE with ssl82 back to square one like the ssl76d LOL
    so wee still need driver and enigma2 patchad

    don't put a original IMAGE with ssl82 will not damage your box but will not work properly

    this is been taken from another site
    thanks to voyger

    voyger.: A Person with no imagination his a person with no wing."

    voyger.:"never make a arguement with an idiot. It will drags you to its own level,and then he will strikes you with His experience."

  • You dont need to patch anything mate!
    Install any image patched or not you want via web browser!
    DONT reboot!
    Install ssl82 via web browser!
    Reboot DM800
    Tuner error WILL occur! Or tuner not recognized!
    Install Tunisiasat add on!
    Open Tunisiasat add on and install the sim 2.01 drivers from mafraj57
    Reboot box one more time!
    Give yourself a pat on the back as the tuner errors etc will be gone!
    Ive tried this on alot of images! Even on the Dream Multimedia image direct from there site and everything has worked out fine!

  • Just flashed this 'sim201-ssl82-Gemini3_0.29-r2-22-4-2011-mFaraj57 '

    Confimed all working.:-)

    Just got to find how to sort epg now :-(

    If its not broke --- fix it anyway.

  • read my post properly and understand M8 a good answer will be welcome..

    voyger.: A Person with no imagination his a person with no wing."

    voyger.:"never make a arguement with an idiot. It will drags you to its own level,and then he will strikes you with His experience."

  • Your right mate! Sorry for not reading into it abit more! But if you read MY post properly you will see that the driver issues you mention can be fixed by installing mafraj57 Sim 2.01 drivers from with in the Tunisiasat add on!
    Also i must say! that this is not patching anything! this is installing the needed drivers for your tuner to work!

  • Your right mate! Sorry for not reading into it abit more! But if you read MY post properly you will see that the driver issues you mention can be fixed by installing mafraj57 Sim 2.01 drivers from with in the Tunisiasat add on!
    Also i must say! that this is not patching anything! this is installing the needed drivers for your tuner to work!

    ok now is look you did understand my post M8 as the post saying if you put a original IMAGE the driver with ssl82 will not work!!you will not get any more a automatic IP that is been tested!!
    but as you said this can be be fixed by installing mafraj57 Sim 2.01 drivers from with in the Tunisiasat add on


    voyger.: A Person with no imagination his a person with no wing."

    voyger.:"never make a arguement with an idiot. It will drags you to its own level,and then he will strikes you with His experience."

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